Scope Assignments and Missing Members

The Analysis Services server parses the cube script on deploy and complains in case of missing dimension members. You can use the IsError() function to handle missing members, such as Iif(IsError([Account].[Accrual Basis].&[30/360]), null, ([Account].[Accrual Basis].&[30/360]). However, sometimes you might want to ignore the default missing member behavior. For example, an ISV deploying a cube to different customers might prefer to ignore missing members if there are many member references in the cube. In this case, you can see the ScriptErrorHandlingMode cube-level property to IgnoreAll. The unfortunate side effect of doing so is that any scope assignment that references a missing member will be invalidated. For example, suppose you have the following scope assignment:




        {[Account].[Status].&[Open], [Account].[Status].&[Pending]},


    this =  … ;


This assignment changes the cube space for all accounts with Open and Pending status. But what happens if the [Account].[Status].&[Pending] member doesn’t exist? The scope assignment simply doesn’t work. Since in this case, a set is used to specify the account status, you cannot use IsError(). One workaround is to use the Filter() function as follows:



        Filter([Account].[Account].[Account].Members, [Account].[Account].Properties(“Status”) = “Open” OR [Account].[Account].Properties(“Status”) = “Pending”)


    this =  … ;
