It’s Done

A quick update on my book Applied Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services. I am happy to announce that the work on the manuscript is over and the manuscript RTM’d (released to manufacturing). The paper copy should be available on the reseller sites and brick and mortar stores around the publication date (August 15th). Expect the ebook version around that time as well. Of course, the good thing about the ebook version besides being searchable and portable is that it includes color images. As you would probably agree, color is a good thing when you are studying report design. Video demos are even better, of course, which brings me to the next topic.

While waiting, take a look at the book web page that just went live and check the available resources. Among other things, you’ll find two sample chapters (chapters 1 and 3), the book source code, and video demos, which I captured using the awesome TechSmith Camtasia. The videos are bonus material and are an experimental feature. Video demos are provided for a subset of the report authoring practices covered in the book. I am looking forward your feedback about this feature. Enjoy and I hope you don’t mind my thick as a brick accent J

Finally, the book web page includes a link to a discussion list, where you can make comments about the book and ask book-related questions. The new discussion list will replace my Reporting Services in Action discussion list, which will retire at the end of this month after four years of service. I hope you liked my participation and will consider “upgrading” to the new discussion list and book.