Getting Lineage Across Power BI Tenant

Power BI Service ( packs a graphical lineage view with the caveat that it only works within a workspace. As a Power BI admin, you may need a utility to inventory all Power BI artifacts published to all workspaces (including My Workspaces) in your Power BI tenant. Fortunately, the Admin – Groups GetGroupsAsAdmin can do the job in one call without any coding! Don’t be misled by “groups” in the API name as groups are equivalent to workspaces (the original V1 workspaces were joined by the hip with O365 groups so Microsoft got carried away here, which I’m sure they regret by now given than V2 workspaces decoupled from groups :-).

  1. Go to the API page and click the “Try it” button (isn’t great that you can test any Power BI API without writing a single line of code?). Sign in with your Power BI credentials when prompted.
  2. Enter a value for the $top parameter to limit the number of workspaces returned. It must be withing the 1-5000 range.
  3. Add a $expand parameter and specify what artifacts you’re interested in. Make sure to click the plus next to the parameter to add it to the API call. In the example below, I request all Power BI artifacts: datasets, reports, dashboards, and dataflows

Next run the API and get the results as JSON. You can use one of the online JSON viewers, such as the Code Beautify JSON Viewer, to get a user-friendly view of the data. The Tree Viewer is particularly useful to drill down a workspace to items.