
Atlanta BI Group Meeting on Monday

The Atlanta Microsoft BI Group will have a meeting tomorrow, June 24th.

Main Presentation: Developing a Custom Task in SSIS 2012 Level: Intermediate

Date: June 24th Time 6:30 – 8:30 PM ET

Place: South Terraces Building (Auditorium Room) 115 Perimeter Center Place Atlanta, GA 30346

Overview: Integration Services uses tasks to perform units of work in support of the extraction, transformation, and loading of data. Integration Services includes a variety of tasks that perform the most frequently used actions, from executing an SQL statement to downloading a file from an FTP site. If the included tasks and supported actions do not completely meet your requirements, you can create a custom task. In this session we will demonstrate to you how to create custom SSIS tasks.

Speaker: Aneel Ismaily was born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan. He moved to the United States at the age of 18. Since then he has lived in Atlanta, GA. Aneel did his undergrad in Computer Science (BS) from Georgia State University (GSU) with concentration in Database Systems. He recently graduated with a professional MBA degree from Georgia State University with concentration in Organization Management and Entrepreneurship. Aneel owns MSBI Consulting, an IT consulting firm. MSBI Consulting provides Business Intelligence solutions to its customers. Prior to MSBI Consulting, Aneel was employed with Intellinet where he was working as a Principal Consultant. Before that he worked at RDA Corporation where he was working as a Sr. Software Engineer and before RDA he worked as a BI Solution Developer at BCD Travel. You can learn more about Aneel at

Sponsor: 3Sage Consulting Founded and led by real consultants who really care about the end deliverable, 3sage is untangling some of the most complex data issues in business today.

Prototypes with Pizza: Real-time BI with Big Data Demo by Teo Lachev

So, you have classic BI, self-service BI, Big Data BI, predictive BI, but do you have real-time BI? To demonstrate how classic BI, Big Data, and real-time BI can play together, Microsoft put together a great sample – Big Data Twitter Demo.

Record Attendance for Atlanta BI Group Last Night

We had the pleasure to have some 70 people attending our January 30th, 2012 meeting of the Atlanta BI group. Our sponsor, Matrix Resources, was kind enough to give us the auditorium. FisionIO sponsored the meeting. Phil Per-Lee did us a “Prototypes with Pizza” presentation, titled Connecting the Dots. And, Carlos Rodrigues rocked the stage with the main presentation about dimensional modeling.

I’ve uploaded pictures to the Photo Gallery section of our website and the slides to the Resources section. We’ve got some cool presentations lined up for next few months. Check our Calendar section to see what’s coming.

Atlanta BI Record Attendance Last Night

We had a blast light night at Atlanta BI and ran out of space with a record attendance of some 60+ people. This is phenomenal given that we are amidst a vacationing season. Jonathan Lacefield from Daugherty gave us a great intro presentation of Analysis Services. Michael Clifford shows cool Integration Services tips. And, Beth Lenoir from Daugherty was kind to sponsor to event and arrange for some great food. Whether it was Jonathan’s presentation, tips, or the food, the atmosphere was electrifying. Thanks to everybody for making last night a fantastic success!


Atlanta BI SIG December Meeting

If you are use Microsoft BI, live in or within driving distance to Atlanta, and don’t know about the Atlanta BI SIG, you are missing a lot. At our last meeting we had some 50+ people and our attendance is growing! Due to the holidays, Atlanta BI SIG will not have a meeting at the end of November and December. Instead, our next meeting will be held on December 6th. I updated the Atlanta BI SIG home page to announce the December meeting.

End of the year is a good time for reflecting on the past and planning for the future. Bob Abernathy from Strategy Companion will present BI past, present, and future trends. He will also show us how Strategy Companion integrates with Analysis Services.

Topic:        BI: Then and Now?
 Level: Beginner
Date:Monday, December 6, 2010
Bob Abernethy, SVP & GM of Strategy Companion Corporation
Bob Abernethy is SVP & GM of Strategy Companion Corporation. A veteran of Oracle Corporation and Siebel Systems, Bob brings over twenty years of software industry experience to his discussion with customers about their Business Intelligence implementations. Bob received his Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University in New York and his Masters of Management Information Systems from West Coast University in Southern California. the current president of the Kansas City SQL Server Users Group.
We will begin by taking a look how the focus and characteristics of Business Intelligence have changed over the last 25 years. We will also discuss the recent history of Microsoft’s focus on BI, and will take an in-depth look at another approach to SQL Server-based BI provided by Strategy Companion Corporation. You will see why companies such as Citigroup, L’Oreal, Honeywell, DataQuick, and many others have embraced Analyzer, Strategy Companion’s award-winning front-end to Analysis Services, for their Business Intelligence applications. You’ll see why SQL Server magazine recently called Analyzer “the best solution to complete the Microsoft BI platform.” (Editor’s Best Award, December 2009.) And you’ll learn ways to quickly and add significant value to your SQL Server-based data – the kind of value business people will be able to see, understand, and appreciate.
Location:Matrix Resources Dunwoody Office
Sponsor:Strategy Companion Corporation
See the overview for the main presentation.

See you there!

Atlanta BI SIG September Meeting

Atlanta BI fans, join our next Atlanta BI SIG meeting! Mark Tabladillo (Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, MCAD.NET, MCT) will show us how to do data mining with PowerPivot. And Dundas will demonstrate their latest BI offering – the Dundas dashboard. Here are the details:

Please RSVP to help us plan food as follows:

  1. Go to the Atlanta BI home page (
  2. Choose Yes and submit the RSVP survey found at the right top corner of the page.


Main Topic:        Data Mining with PowerPivot 2010
 Level: Intermediate
Date:Monday, September 27, 2010
LocationMatrix Resources

115 Perimeter Center Place

Suite 250 (South Terraces Building)

Atlanta, GA 30346






Mark Tabladillo (Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, MCAD.NET, MCT)
Mark Tabladillo provides consulting and training for data mining with Solid Quality Mentors. He has taught statistics at Georgia Tech and for the graduate business school of the University of Phoenix. Mark has years of deep experience with the SAS System, and has presented at many local, regional, and national technical conferences. Mark produces a data mining resource and blog at the current president of the Kansas City SQL Server Users Group.


Excel provides a compelling and ubiquitous interface for Microsoft Data Mining. With new features available through PowerPivot, business users can apply the technology through a well-designed infrastructure of Microsoft technologies. This presentation will welcome any newcomers to data mining, and provide interactive demos which highlight data mining through these technologies.


Location:Matrix Resources Dunwoody Office

Dundas will present their latest BI offering: Dundas Dashboard. Dundas Dashboard is a flexible, turnkey solution for the rapid development of business dashboards. Whether you are leveraging an existing BI infrastructure/application or starting a standalone project from scratch, Dundas offers the industry’s most cost-effective platform for creating/deploying sophisticated digital dashboards and empowering users quickly and easily.

Atlanta BI Group First Meeting Topic Announced

I’ve just updated the Atlanta BI Group home page to announce the topic for our first meeting on August 23th. Given the great interest surrounding Self-service BI, I’ll present “Self-service BI with Microsoft PowerPivot”.

Hope you can make our first meeting!

Atlanta.MBI Website

The website for the Atlanta Microsoft Business Intelligence SIG is up and running although it’s still work in progress.

1. Please register.

2. Please fill in the two polls on the first page for the first meeting attendance and topic of interest.

3. You can post suggestions for our first meeting on the Discussions page (Meetings forum) as a reply to my first post there.

4. Please use the General forum in the Discussions for any general questions.

5. Please spread the news and redirect Atlanta BI fans to

Venue for Atlanta.MBI Found

The great search for a meeting place for the Atlanta BI SIG is over! I am happy to report that I found the perfect place. Matrix Resources graciously offered to host and sponsor our meetings in a training room at their premises at 115 Perimeter Center Place #250, Atlanta, GA, 30346. I visited their location and another location today and I think their place is great. The room is capable of accommodating 50 people and has a projector. The location is nice too since I was looking for place around this area to accommodate the traffic concerns of as many people as possible. I personally live in Norcross and it would have been nice to take advantage of the Data Profit’s meetup offer but it would have been too selfish J

I also booked the meeting days for the rest of the year. I suggest we meet up every last Monday of the month from 6:30 – 8:30 PM as follows:

8.23, 9.27, 10.25, 11.22 and 12.27

Our first meeting will on be August 23th at 6:30 PM.

My focus now is to put together the Atlanta BI website that will be hosted on I’ll let you know when it’s ready so you could register and stay on top of the latest announcements. Stay tuned!

Venue for Atlanta.MBI Wanted

To follow up on my recent blog about forming an Atlanta-based Microsoft Business Intelligence Special Interest Group, I am planning to have our first meeting in August. The effort now is to find a venue where we can meet. If you have a confirmed location, please post its address to the discussion thread. I’ll compile a list and I update this blog and the discussion thread.