
Venue for Atlanta.MBI Found

The great search for a meeting place for the Atlanta BI SIG is over! I am happy to report that I found the perfect place. Matrix Resources graciously offered to host and sponsor our meetings in a training room at their premises at 115 Perimeter Center Place #250, Atlanta, GA, 30346. I visited their location and another location today and I think their place is great. The room is capable of accommodating 50 people and has a projector. The location is nice too since I was looking for place around this area to accommodate the traffic concerns of as many people as possible. I personally live in Norcross and it would have been nice to take advantage of the Data Profit’s meetup offer but it would have been too selfish J

I also booked the meeting days for the rest of the year. I suggest we meet up every last Monday of the month from 6:30 – 8:30 PM as follows:

8.23, 9.27, 10.25, 11.22 and 12.27

Our first meeting will on be August 23th at 6:30 PM.

My focus now is to put together the Atlanta BI website that will be hosted on I’ll let you know when it’s ready so you could register and stay on top of the latest announcements. Stay tuned!

Venue for Atlanta.MBI Wanted

To follow up on my recent blog about forming an Atlanta-based Microsoft Business Intelligence Special Interest Group, I am planning to have our first meeting in August. The effort now is to find a venue where we can meet. If you have a confirmed location, please post its address to the discussion thread. I’ll compile a list and I update this blog and the discussion thread.