
Vote for my book

If you liked my book “Microsoft Reporting Services in Action” please take a moment to vote for it at the Second Annual .NETDJ Readers’ Choice Awards website.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Let’s talk RS

Please join me at the following events to learn more about Reporting Services:


  1. User Group presentation (ADNUG) on September 27th
    I will show you how to report-enable WinForm or web applications by integrating them with Reporting Services. Get a sneak preview of the new RS controls that will be included in the next 2005 release of Reporting Services.
  2. SQL Pass Community Summit 2004 from Sept 29 to Sept 30 in Orlando, Florida
    I will join my coworkers from HP to present Reporting Services. Look for me in the HP exhibition booth (#301). Don’t miss this chance to ask me tough RS questions and see various code demos.
  3. Atlanta Microsoft Database Forum presentation (Atlanta.mdf) on October 11th
    Same as my ADNUG presentation.

Looking forward to meeting you at one of these events!

School is here…and so is my book

My book “Reporting Services in Action” is finally available in print format. For time being, it can be purchased only from the publisher’s website ( It will probably take a couple of weeks before the book reaches other outlets such as


Many thanks to those of you that will purchase my book. I sincerely hope you will find it as much fun to read as it was to write. I am always interested to know my product meet your needs. Please drop me a line to let me know what you liked or disliked about my book.


Happy reporting with Microsoft Reporting Services in Action!

TechEd Europe 2004

Well, I have to admit that I will miss the echo of the drums and buzz surrounding TechEd Europe 2004. There are many new and exciting things coming for developers next year which means a lot of reading too J


My favorite session (besides DAT354 which I presented of course) was Scott Guthrie’s one about the next generation of ASP.NET 2.0. I enjoyed also the Tim Sneath’s session. SQL Server 2005 integration with .NET is cool although I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed that it supports only external .NET assemblies that have to pre-registered in similar way that RS integrates with .NET assemblies. Why can I write the whole darn thing in managed code? Hopefully the next SQL Server incarnation will finally kiss T-SQL good bye … Another sad thing was that .NET 2.0 Enterprise Services still require COM+ interop. COM dies hard…


The buzz surrounding Reporting Services was impressing too. The RS sessions were the ones most attended and looks like many of you are planning to give Reporting Services a spin and/or bring it to the max. Stay tuned; many good things are happening in the RS 2005 including the next generation of WinForm and ASP.NET controls…


I enclose download links to my presentation and source code for those of you who missed the event. 

  • DAT354 Presentation “Building SQL Server Reporting Service Applications”
  • Source code
  • Source code script