The Rational Guide To Planning with Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007

I have to admit that my preoccupation with Reporting Services and Analysis Services don’t leave me much bandwidth nowadays to tackle other Microsoft BI (far less third-party) offerings. One of the products I know I need to catch up is the planning component of PerformanceServer, formerly known as Biz#. Fortunately, Nick and Adrian followed up on their The Rational Guide To Planning with Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007, which I wrote about, with a new book
The Rational Guide To Planning with Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007. Initially, they were planning a single PerformancePoint book but they decided to split it because of book size limitations that the publisher has.

The planning piece of PerformancePoint requires more than solid knowledge of Analysis Services because of its strong financial focus. You need to know quite a bit about budgeting, planning, chart of accounts, and other financial concepts. Fortunately, The Rational Guide To Planning with Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007 fills in the gap and bridges the implementation and business audiences by providing an essential coverage of the product accompanied with practical examples, all in a portable light-size format.
