Atlanta MS BI and Power BI Group Meeting on April 4th

Please join us online for the next Atlanta MS BI and Power BI Group meeting on Monday, April 4th, at 6:30 PM ET.  Michael Carlo (Power BI MVP) will show how to speed up your data modeling experience by using DAX templates. For more details and sign up, visit our group page.

Presentation:World’s Fastest DAX – Using Quick DAX Templates
Date:April 4th
Time:6:30 – 8:30 PM ET
Place:Click here to join the meeting
Overview:DAX is easy to Learn but hard to master.

This session is all about using the Growing Community Driven Library of Quick DAX Templates. Learn how to find the templates and use them in your daily workflow to drastically speed up your Data Modeling Experience.

Session Covers the following topics:

1. Introduces the concept of Templatized DAX

2. Consuming a Quick DAX Template using Power BI External Tools

3. Discusses how to create your own templates and use them

Multiple demos of working directly inside the tooling for consuming and creating Quick DAX templates.

Speaker:Michael Carlo is very passionate about data and analytics. He spent a massive amount of time learning Power BI. Through this learning process he felt that others may also be interested. Thus, he created a website, a knowledge repository for all things PowerBI ( This site is uniquely set up for people to read and learn about data modeling and visualizations within Power BI.
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5 Storage Gotchas for Power BI Dataflows

Over the past few years, the BI industry has come up with new file formats, such as Parquet, ORC, and Avro, which are widely used today. To facilitate its vision for cross-industry data integration, Microsoft introduced a few years ago the Common Data Model (CDM) and CDM Folders. Power BI dataflows output CSV files to CDM folders and each table is saved in its own folder. You can bring your own data lake to directly access these files. If do so, you’ll find the following folder structure:

Although accessing the dataflow files might open all sorts of data integration scenarios, here are some things to watch for concerning the dataflow output:

  1. If you plan to migrate from other self-service ETL tools, such as Alteryx, note that a Power BI dataflow can output only to a CDM folder and export the data as CSV.
  2. Each time the dataflow refreshes, a new snapshot file is generated and added to the <table>.csv.snapshots folder. Currently, dataflows don’t delete previous snapshots and there is no retention policy. You could consider this a feature that lets traverse the dataflow run history, but very quickly you might end up with lots of files.
  3. Working the snapshot files is cumbersome. For example, if you plan to load the data directly from the CSV files, you’d typically want to access the latest data and you’d want the file name to stay the same. However, as you can see in the screenshot, the file name includes the timestamp. So, if the tool doesn’t have a CDM connector, it must sort the files in the folder and load from the top file.
  4. The metadata (column names and data types) is stored in the model.json file. Continuing the previous example, you won’t get the column headers and types if you just load the snapshot file.
  5. Very few tools today support CDM folders. To support them, the tool must first query the model.json file to determine the location of the latest snapshot. The tool must then apply the data types from model.json. The Azure Data Lake Gen 2 connector in Power BI support them, but it’s been in a perpetual Beta. Azure Data Factory supports CDM, but it requires mapping data flows that I typically try to avoid. Microsoft has a Databricks package that understand CDM. I see that Informatica has put up a connector. This is a timid response from the industry considering the Microsoft’s ambitious vision. Even Microsoft’s own Synapse Serverless doesn’t support them yet. Why didn’t Microsoft decide to use modern and established file formats, such as Parquet, that can save both the metadata and data in the same file? It’s clear that Microsoft opted for the lowest denominator that every tool supports, which is CSV. But because CSV files don’t include the metadata, Microsoft had to find a way to provide it.

As a workaround for these limitations, consider implementing Power BI datasets that wrap the dataflows using the Dataflow connector. If you use Power BI Premium or PPU, enable DirectQuery in the enhanced compute engine, so that you don’t have to import the data (the only data connectivity supported by the ADLS connector is import) and you don’t have to refresh both the dataset and dataflow. Looking forward, I’d like to see dataflows supporting output settings, such as retention, immutable file name for the latest snapshot. Dataflows should add an output connector to define where the data should be sent, such as to output to Parquet files to store both the schema and metadata in the file or output to a relational database. I’d like also to see Synapse Serverless extended to support CDM folders.

In summary, yes, you can directly access the dataflow raw files in your own lake, but as it stands, the CDM folder implementation limits your data integration options.

Prologika Newsletter Spring 2022

Nowadays, it’s unlikely to envision a data analytics solution without ingesting data from some cloud vendor. Unfortunately, as many of you have found out the hard way, moving to the cloud, such as moving your on-prem ERP system to the vendor’s cloud offering, comes at a huge burden – you relinquish control to the vendor and lose access to your data. In this letter, I’ll present several options for extracting your data out of the vendor’s realm.

I previously ranted here about cloud prohibitors – cloud providers that negate the benefits of moving to the cloud by enforcing all sorts of hoops to get to your data. This blog summarizes a few data integration options with cloud vendors that I’ve used in my projects, ranked from best to worst

Direct access to the database

This is by far your best option. If the provider allows you to access the data by directly connecting to its native storage, you should take it even if it involves higher fees, such as upgrading to a “premium” tier (a travesty considering that you didn’t have pay higher fees with their on-prem installations). There are no insurmountable engineering barriers for the vendor to provide direct access to the data in its native storage, but very few cloud vendors do it citing “issues”, such as security, impact on operational processes, etc. Here is a free piece of advice to cloud vendors: provide direct access to the underlying relational database and use this as a big differentiator against the competition. Security and performance should be on you and not the customer.

Data staging

If the direct access is not an option, the second best would be for the vendor to stage the data out, ideally to a relational database you provision, such as by using the Dynamics Data Export add-in to export data from Dynamics Online (now regretfully deprecated by Microsoft in favor of staging to data lake). Unfortunately, it looks like the norm nowadays is to export to a data lake as flat files and the extraction path becomes relational database -> flat files -> relational database. I hope that makes sense to you because it doesn’t to me. Things to watch out here for are where is the data lake located (Azure, AWS, others) and what integration options are provided. For example, only major ERP vendor supports only S3 as a data lake and provides and a JDBC driver to connect it (JDBC is a Java-based connector that can’t be used by any Microsoft-based integration tool.

Data push as flat files

Smaller and more flexible cloud providers might be willing to push the data to a storage that you provide. In such cases, you should strongly consider Azure data lake instead of FTP. For example, one cloud provider I integrated with used Ruby to call the Azure API to post data extracts to the client’s data lake storage that we set up.


Most cloud integration scenarios will fall in this bucket so that the vendor ensures “secure” and “controlled” access to data. The reality is that many of these REST APIs are horrible in both implementation and throughput. For example, the REST APIs of another ERP vendor couldn’t handle a batch export of 500,000 rows (a dataset that can fit into an Excel spreadsheet and be emailed around mind you). Their server would time out because of the “massive” data, and the client was asked to use callback APIs to chunk the export which of course wouldn’t either. And complexity only grows from here as some implementations require result paging, error handling, etc. forcing you to write custom code.

Manual export

If the above options are not possible, your last resort might be to use the vendor app and export the data manually. So much about automating the data integration…


When evaluating a cloud vendor, don’t forget to ask them how you can access your data. Extracting data by connecting to its native storage (typically a relational database) is the best option for integrating with cloud data sources, as the data is in its native format, you can fold operations, such as filtering and sorting, you can extract data incrementally, or even build SQL views if the vendor allows it. Unfortunately, the norm nowadays is to force you to call the vendor’s (often horrible) API, so the extraction effort in your ETL is on you and not the vendor.

Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data
Microsoft Partner | Gold Data Analytics


Referencing Columns in DAX Table Variables

Suppose you use a DAX table variable, such as to group by certain columns and add an extension column as a calculation. Then, you want to count the rows in the table by filtering on one of the columns. At your first attempt, you might try using CALCULATE.

VAR _t = ADDCOLUMNS(SUMMARIZE(…), "SomeColumn", <some expression>)
CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(_t), _t[SomeColumn] = something)

You’ll get an error that the column you reference cannot be found. To get this to work, you must use FILTER (notice that code uses [SomeColumn] instead of the column fully qualified name (_t[SomeColumn).

VAR _t = ADDCOLUMNS(SUMMARIZE(…), "SomeColumn", <some expression>)
COUNTROWS(FILTER(_t, [SomeColumn] = something)

Why doesn’t CALCULATE work? CALCULATE changes the filter context, but DAX filter context only allows columns in the model. It doesn’t allow “extension” columns created in a DAX expression. [SomeColumn] does not exist in the model but only in the DAX expression and therefore is not visible by CALCULATE.

On the other hand, FILTER resolves [SomeColumn] in row context. [SomeColumn] is bound to the column in table expression _t and it can be resolved.

Speaking of grouping, you might have noticed that Power BI Desktop uses SUMMARIZECOLUMNS in autogenerated DAX queries instead of ADDCOLUMNS(SUMMARIZE()). However, if you attempt to use SUMMARIZECOLUMNS in a measure, you’ll get an error “SummarizeColumns() and AddMissingItems() may not be used in this context”. How come?

SUMMARIZECOLUMNS is not supported in measures because it was designed for resultset-producing, autogenerated DAX queries. It wasn’t enabled for measures because it has different semantics when filters exist in the filter context, as in the measure scenario, and when filters are passed to it as arguments, as in the DAX query scenario. If you want to use SUMMARIZECOLUMNS in a measure to replicate the query results of a visual, you may not get the expected results due to the different ways the function treats filters from different sources and so it can’t be used in measures.

Data Integration Options with Cloud Providers

It’s unlikely to envision a data analytics solution without having to ingest data from some cloud vendor. I previously ranted here about cloud prohibitors – cloud providers that negate the benefits of moving to the cloud by enforcing all sorts of hoops to get to your data. This blog summarizes a few data integration options with cloud vendors from best to worst.

  1. Direct access to the database – This is by far your best option. If the provider allows you to access the data by directly connecting to its native storage, you should take it even if it involves higher fees, such as upgrading to a “premium” tier (a travesty considering that you didn’t have pay higher fees with their on-prem installations). There are no insurmountable engineering barriers for the vendor to provide direct access to the data in its native storage, but very few cloud vendors do it citing “issues”, such as security, impact on operational processes, etc. Here is a free piece of advice to cloud vendors: provide direct access to the underlying relational database and use this as a big differentiator against the competition. Security and performance should be on you and not the customer.
  2. Data staging – If the direct access is not an option, the second best would be for the vendor to stage the data out, ideally to a relational database you provision, such as by using the Dynamics Data Export add-in to export data from Dynamics Online (now regretfully deprecated by Microsoft in favor of staging to data lake). Unfortunately, it looks like the norm nowadays is to export to a data lake as flat files and the extraction path becomes relational database -> flat files -> relational database. I hope that makes sense to you because it doesn’t to me. Things to watch out here for are where is the data lake located (Azure, AWS, others) and what integration options are provided. For example, only major ERP vendor supports only S3 as a data lake and provides and a JDBC driver to connect it (JDBC is a Java-based connector that can’t be used by any Microsoft-based integration tool.
  3. Data push as flat files – Smaller and more flexible cloud providers might be willing to push the data to a storage that you provide. In such cases, you should strongly consider Azure data lake instead of FTP. For example, one cloud provider I integrated with used Ruby to call the Azure API to post data extracts to the client’s data lake storage that we set up.
  4. REST APIs – Most cloud integration scenarios will fall in this bucket so that the vendor ensures “secure” and “controlled” access to data. The reality is that many of these REST APIs are horrible in both implementation and throughput. For example, the REST APIs of another ERP vendor couldn’t handle a batch export of 500,000 rows (a dataset that can fit into an Excel spreadsheet and be emailed around mind you). Their server would time out because of the “massive” data, and the client was asked to use callback APIs to chunk the export which of course wouldn’t either. And complexity only grows from here as some implementations require result paging, error handling, etc. forcing you to write custom code.
  5. Manual export – If the above options are not possible, your last resort might be to use the vendor app and export the data manually. So much about automating the data integration…

In summary, when evaluating a cloud vendor, don’t forget to ask how you can access your data. Extracting data by connecting to its native storage (typically a relational database) is the best option for integrating with cloud data sources, as the data is in its native format, you can fold operations, such as filtering and sorting, you can extract data incrementally, or even build SQL views if the vendor allows it. Unfortunately, the norm nowadays is to force you to call the vendor’s API, so the extraction effort in your ETL is on you and not the vendor.