Improving Data Quality

Poor data quality is one of the most challenging hurdles for successful data analytics. The story typically goes like this. The client has a flexible line of business system that people tend to use and abuse, such as entering garbage in free-form text fields that shouldn’t be free-form to start with. There is no data stewardship or data entry oversight. I’m not blaming anyone because people go about their business trying to get something done as fast as possible and BI is not on their minds. The issue is further complicated by acquisitions that usually bring more systems and more garbage. You and I’ve been there…the bigger and more complex the organization, the bigger the mess.

How do we solve this challenge? Should we buy a super-duper master data management (MDM) system to solve the data quality mess? Or should we kick the can down the road and tackle data quality in downstream systems, such as the data warehouse? In some cases, MDM can help but based on my experience, MDM systems are usually unnecessary. First, solving data quality issues down the road is probably a bad idea. Second, MDM systems bring additional complexity. ETL needs to be implemented to bring the data in and out, a business user must be delegated to correct data issues, another system needs to be learned and maintained, not to mentioned licensing costs. Instead, what’s really needed is to address data quality as upstream as possible, and that is the main data sources, such as the ERP system. The process is simple but tedious. Here are a few steps to get your team started on that road:

  1. Start by cleaning up the hierarchies because they are fundamental for top-level analysis. Request Management to come up with a standardized nomenclature in the form of hierarchies. What do we want our product hierarchy (Product Category, Subcategory,…) to look like? What do we want the Customer hierarchy to look like? Geography? Organization?
  2. Identify major data quality issues that deviate from the standard nomenclature.
  3. For each issue, determine how to address the issue. Can it be fixed by overwriting the data entry or coming up with a new custom field? Can the changes be automated or done in bulk, such as updating the underlying table directly? For example, if the country is misspelled, the best solution will be to go that invoice or customer and change the country. Or, if a certain hierarchy member is completely missing, such as continent or territory, add a new custom field.
  4. Assign the list of the data entry issues identified in step 2 to a data entry person to fix. Or, if they can be fixed in bulk, such as by updating the underlying tables, ask your helpful DBA to make the changes.
  5. If possible, ask the developer in charge to modify the source system to improve data quality, such as by using dropdowns instead of free-form entries for important fields and adding data entry rules.

I know this might be too simplistic. For example, the ERP might disable data entries once an invoice is approved, and I’ve seen clients adding data correction tables in data marts to get around this. If updating the data directly in the underlying tables is an option, this might be your best bet. However, if compliance or other regulations prevent this from happening, then the data must be fixed outside.

However, the main principle remains that data quality must be tackled as close to the source as possible. And improving data quality is your best investment and prerequisite to enable effective data analytics.

Top 5 Lessons Learned from IBM Db2 Integration Projects

I’ve done a few BI integration projects extracting data from ERPs running on IBM Db2. Most of the implementations would use a hybrid architecture where the ERP would be running on an on-prem mainframe while the data was loaded in Microsoft Azure. Here are a few tips if you’re facing this challenge:

  1. IBM provides JDBC, ODBC, and OLE DB drivers. The JDBC driver is not applicable to the Microsoft toolset because none of the Microsoft BI tools run on Java runtime. Microsoft provides an OLE DB Provider for Db2.
  2. If you use Azure Data Factory or Power BI Desktop, you can use the bundled Microsoft OLE DB driver for Db2. Here are the Azure Data Factory settings for setting up a linked service using the Db2 driver:
    1. Server name – specify the server name of IP address of the IBM Db2 server. For DB2 LUW the default port is 50000, for AS400 the default port is 446 or 448 when TLS enabled. Example: to connect to AS400.
    2. Database name – that one is tricky as I’ve found that even the client doesn’t know it because the ODBC/JDBC driver hides it. The easiest way to obtain it is to connect Power BI Desktop to Db2 using the ODBC driver and look at the Navigator window.
    3. Package collection: This one can get you in trouble. If you get an error “The package corresponding to an SQL statement execution request was not found. SQLSTATE=51002 SQLCODE=-805”, enter NULLID as explained in the ADF documentation (see the link above).
  3. To use the IBM drivers, you need to install them on the on-prem VM hosting the ADF self-hosted runtime. Instead, consider using the Microsoft-provided drivers because they are bundled with the runtime and there is nothing for you to install.
  4. Based on my tests, all drivers have similar performance but do upgrade to the latest IBM drivers if you plan to use them. In one project, I’ve found that the latest IBM ODBC driver outperformed twice an older driver the client had.
  5. The read throughput is going to be mostly limited by the mainframe server itself and the connection bandwidth between the data center and Azure. In all projects, the mainframe read speed was by far slower than reading data from a modest SQL Server. For example, one project showed that it would take 2.5 minutes to read one million rows from the production mainframe, while it would take 40 seconds to read the same data from SQL Server.


    While optimizing the mainframe performance will likely be outside your realm of possibilities, you could lobby to increase the connection throughput between the data center and Azure if you plan to transfer a lot of data. Aim for 500 Mbps or higher. For example, after 2.5 minutes to read aforementioned 1 million row dataset from the server, it took another 2.5 minutes to transfer the data (about 2.5 Gb) to Azure because the connection throughput for this project was only 100 Mbps.

Fixing ADF DataFactoryPropertyUpdateNotSupported Deployment Error

This took a while to figure out…so someone might find it useful.

Scenario: You have set up two Azure Data Factory instances for DEV and PROD environment. The DEV environment uses a self-hosted integration runtime to read data from on-prem data sources. The day has come to deploy your masterpiece to PROD. You share the DEV self-hosted runtime with the production ADF instance. You export the ADF ARM template and attempt to run it against the pristine PROD environment. You’re greeted with DataFactoryPropertyUpdateNotSupported error. The “property” here is linked self-hosted runtime.

Solution: The following solution worked for me. In your ARM template, scroll all the way to the bottom and add the following to the typeProperties element of the self-hosted runtime:

IMPORTANT: Make sure that in your production ADF, you have created a shared self-hosted runtime that points to the one in your DEV environment before you proceed with the ARM template deployment. 

   "type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationRuntimes",
   "apiVersion": "2018-06-01",
   "name": "[concat(parameters('factoryName'), '/mtx-adf-shir-us')]",
   "dependsOn": [],
   "properties": {
       "type": "SelfHosted",
       "typeProperties": {
           "linkedInfo": {
               "resourceId": "Resource ID obtained when you share the self-hosted runtime in DEV",
               "authorizationType": "Rbac"

Atlanta Microsoft BI Group Meeting on August 7th (Introducing Microsoft Fabric)

Atlanta BI fans, please join us for the next meeting on Monday, August 7th, at 6:30 PM ET.  James Serra (Data & AI Solution Architect at Microsoft) will join us remotely to introduce us to Microsoft Fabric. For more details and sign up, visit our group page.


 Presentation: Introducing Microsoft Fabric

Delivery: Speaker will join us remotely via Teams

Date: August 7th

Time: 18:30 – 20:30 ET

Level: Beginner

Food: Sponsor wanted



18:15-18:30 Registration and networking

18:30-19:00 Organizer and sponsor time (events, Power BI latest, sponsor marketing)

19:00-20:15 Main presentation

20:15-20:30 Q&A


Improving Office
11675 Rainwater Dr
Suite #100
Alpharetta, GA 30009


Overview: Microsoft Fabric is the next version of Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Explorer, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Power BI. It brings all these capabilities together into a single unified analytics platform that goes from the data lake to the business user in a SaaS-like environment. Therefore, the vision of Fabric is to be a one-stop shop for all the analytical needs for every enterprise and one platform for everyone from a citizen developer to a data engineer. Fabric will cover the complete spectrum of services including data movement, data lake, data engineering, data integration and data science, observational analytics, and business intelligence. With Fabric, there is no need to stitch together different services from multiple vendors. Instead, the customer enjoys end-to-end, highly integrated, single offering that is easy to understand, onboard, create and operate.

This is a hugely important new product from Microsoft, and I will simplify your understanding of it via a presentation and demo.

Speaker: James Serra works at Microsoft as a big data and data warehousing solution architect where he has been for most of the last nine years.  He is a thought leader in the use and application of Big Data and advanced analytics, including data architectures, such as the modern data warehouse, data lakehouse, data fabric, and data mesh.  Previously he was an independent consultant working as a Data Warehouse/Business Intelligence architect and developer.  He is a prior SQL Server MVP with over 35 years of IT experience.  He is a popular blogger ( and speaker, having presented at dozens of major events including SQLBits, PASS Summit, Data Summit and the Enterprise Data World conference.  He is the author of the upcoming book “Deciphering Data Architectures: Choosing Between a Modern Data Warehouse, Data Fabric, Data Lakehouse, and Data Mesh”.
