Fixing ADF DataFactoryPropertyUpdateNotSupported Deployment Error

This took a while to figure out…so someone might find it useful.

Scenario: You have set up two Azure Data Factory instances for DEV and PROD environment. The DEV environment uses a self-hosted integration runtime to read data from on-prem data sources. The day has come to deploy your masterpiece to PROD. You share the DEV self-hosted runtime with the production ADF instance. You export the ADF ARM template and attempt to run it against the pristine PROD environment. You’re greeted with DataFactoryPropertyUpdateNotSupported error. The “property” here is linked self-hosted runtime.

Solution: The following solution worked for me. In your ARM template, scroll all the way to the bottom and add the following to the typeProperties element of the self-hosted runtime:

IMPORTANT: Make sure that in your production ADF, you have created a shared self-hosted runtime that points to the one in your DEV environment before you proceed with the ARM template deployment. 

   "type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationRuntimes",
   "apiVersion": "2018-06-01",
   "name": "[concat(parameters('factoryName'), '/mtx-adf-shir-us')]",
   "dependsOn": [],
   "properties": {
       "type": "SelfHosted",
       "typeProperties": {
           "linkedInfo": {
               "resourceId": "Resource ID obtained when you share the self-hosted runtime in DEV",
               "authorizationType": "Rbac"