Atlanta MS BI and Power BI Group Meeting on November 1st

Please join us online for the next Atlanta MS BI and Power BI Group meeting today (Monday, October 4th), at 6:30 PM ET.  Sandeep Pawar will explain how to use the Power BI AI visuals for predictive insights. And your humble correspondent will show you how to use the Power BI REST APIs.  For more details and sign up, visit our group page.

Presentation:Demystifying Power BI AI Visuals
Date:November 1st
Time:6:30 – 8:30 PM ET
Place:Click here to join the meeting
Overview:Power BI has several powerful AI visuals that allow business analysts to create insightful reports that include predictive capabilities without writing any code. In this session, we will take a deeper look at these visuals, discuss how exactly they work, when & how you should use them effectively and importantly when not to use them. We will look at the algorithms driving them and understand how to use them in your reports. We will look at forecasting, key influencer visual, clustering, decomposition tree, anomaly detector in detail. We will also look at how to validate the outputs of these visuals.
Speaker:Sandeep Pawar is a data science professional. He currently works at Cree Lighting, WI as a Data Analytics engineer. He has experience creating data analytics solutions using BI and ML tools.
