Choosing a Reporting Tool

Next to the question “How do I offload reporting effort from IT?” is “Which MS reporting tool should my users use?”. Granted, Microsoft BI is not shy of reporting tools and they number is increasing! And with Power BI reports soon to be available in SSRS, the choice is getting even more difficult. The following diagram illustrates how I position reporting tools. The Y-axis represents complexity which measures the skills required to author different report types. The X-axis is for interactivity that is related to how well the tool supports interactive data exploration. The size of the bubble represents features supported by the tool – the bigger the bubble, the more features the tool supports. Of course, “features” are subjective. For example, if you care about ability to use custom visualizations, then Power BI reports should be very appealing to you (SSRS also supports custom visuals but you have to code them in .NET). The dividing dotted line denotes who typically creates and owns the report type: IT or Business.


SSRS traditional (now called paginated) reports are the Jupiter in the MS BI Report Tools galaxy. You can rarely have a requirement that you can’t meet with SSRS reports because they are highly customizable. While they exceed in customization, paginated (also referred to as canned) reports lack in interactivity. They are typically authored and owned by IT. However, I have customers where business users have adopted Report Builder to create basic tabular and chart reports. So, don’t rule out this scenario although it requires a steeper learning curve than using Excel or Power BI Desktop for example.

As I mentioned a while back when I had a first look at the new mobile reports (they came from the Datazen acquisition), I have a positioning problem with mobile reports that debuted in SSRS 2016. That’s even more true given that that SSRS will soon support Power BI reports that can be optimized for mobile devices too. Chris Finlan (Senior Program Manager at Microsoft) is more excited about mobile reports and he listed some good usage scenarios. The problem is that in my opinion this report type is neither interactive enough nor feature-rich enough. Because of its reliance on SSRS datasets, mobile reports are typically owned by IT (at least setting up the data) and its primary usage is creating semi-interactive reports that render well on mobile device. If you’re familiar with RoamBI or former PushBI (now a part of Tibco), this is the Microsoft competing reporting technology.

Excel reports are easy to position since many business users live and die by Excel. If pivot reports are good enough for your users, look no further then Excel. The problem with Excel reports though is that they are not supported by SSRS yet (rendering Excel reports online in SSRS is on the roadmap). You can deploy Excel reports with imported data, such as in Power Pivot model, to Power BI Service ( However, Excel reports connected to external data sources, such as Analysis Services, are not supported in Power BI or SharePoint Online (currently, the only choice for online rendering of Excel reports connected to SSAS is deploying them to on-premises SharePoint Server).

If your users are interested in interactive analysis and data exploration, the easy choice is Power BI reports considering all the investment Microsoft is making in Power BI.

This is the Microsoft competing report tool to Tableau, Qlik, etc. These reports can be shared online by publishing them to the cloud (Power BI Service) and soon to on-premises SSRS in native mode (currently you can publish them to SSRS 2016 in native mode but users have to download and open them in Power BI Desktop).

Finally, as any other reporting tool on the market, there isn’t a Microsoft reporting tool that does it all. Most customers use multiple tools. My high-level advice is to have a limited number of strategic SSRS paginated reports and use Excel and/or Power BI for self-service interactive reports.

Remember, data integration first, then data quality, then visualizations.

Power BI Reports in SSRS Techinical Preview

From the glimpse to the first public preview…it’s great to see one of most requested feature coming to life: ability to render online Power BI reports in on-premises SSRS. Alas, Microsoft is keeping us in suspense and no official date and release vehicles have been announced yet but we can now see and test it using the VM that Microsoft put on Azure (read the Chris Finlan’s steps to get started).

At this point, the integration supports only Power BI Desktop files that connect to Analysis Services (Multidimensional and Tabular). Attempting to deploy models connected to something else or with imported data, doesn’t work and you’ll get an error. Custom visuals and R visuals are not supported yet. For the most part, the integration is limited to report viewing only (similar to what you get if you embed Power BI reports in Power BI Embedded). That’s will be probably fine to start with but it will be nice to have Q&A, Quick Insights, Analyze in Excel, and ability to create custom reports online.

It’s great that Microsoft decided to expose the connection string as a regular SSRS data source. This will allow you to change the credentials settings, such as to impersonate the user when Kerberos is not an option and the SSAS is on another server. When the Power BI Desktop file is uploaded, it’s saved in the report catalog as any regular SSRS report (now referred to a paginated report). This means that you secure and manage Power BI reports the same way you work with paginated reports. Speaking of management, I hope that at some point Microsoft will add support for subscriptions and caching. What’s need is unification among the four types of reports: paginated, mobile, Power BI, and Excel. While waiting, we get a handy bonus feature: ability to add comments to reports, such as to get someone to formally approve what they see on the report.

Everyone is asking about SSRS support for Power BI reports. Progress has been make and I hope it won’t be long before we get the real thing.

The Future of Microsoft Logical Data Warehouse

Let’s face it, the larger the company, the more difficult is to achieve the dream of single enterprise data warehouse (EDW). In a typical mid-size to large organization, data is found in many data repositories and integrating all this data is difficult. I’m doing an assessment and strategy engagement now for a unit in a large organization, and they need access to at least 10 other on-premises systems, including two very large repositories. Naturally, they don’t want to import all of this data, which could be millions of rows per day, and recreate their own copy of these large corporate repositories. So what to do?

In my “QUO VADIS DATA WAREHOUSE?” newsletter, I defined a logical data warehouse (LDW), also known as data virtualization, is an emerging technology that allows you to access the data where it is. Don’t we have linked servers in SQL Server that do this? We do and they might work to a point. But what if you want scale out distributed queries to achieve better performance? In today’s SQL PASS SUMMIT keynote, Day 1 Keynote “A.C.I.D. Intelligence” (A.C.I.D stands for Algorithms, Cloud, IoT, Data), Rohan Kumar showed something that I think it’s very important and it deserves much more attention than occasional references in blogs. It showed where Microsoft is bringing PolyBase and how this technology could be the Microsoft implementation for data virtualization.

In SQL Server 2016, PolyBase allows you to access data in on-premises Hadoop cluster and in Azure Blob Storage. For example, you can store some files in HDFS and define an external PolyBase table. Then, you can have a query with heterogeneous join between a local SQL Server table and the external table. Rohan showed that Microsoft will extend PolyBase to other popular SQL and NoSQL databases. More importantly, it showed that just like an MPP appliance, such as Microsoft Analytics Platform System (APS) or Azure SQL Data Warehouse, a SQL Server node would allow you to combine multiple SQL Server instances as compute notes so that you scale out access to these data sources. For example, if you have two SQL Server compute nodes and you use PolyBase to access an Oracle database, you’ll be essentially spreading the query across these nodes in parallel and then combine the results. Of course, just like linked servers, there are technical challenges, such as cases where SQL Server might need to move data to the other node. Rohan mentioned that the SQL Server query optimizer will have smarts to optimize heterogeneous joins.

If you’re in the market for a logical data warehouse vendor, don’t rule out Microsoft. Stay tuned for more news around PolyBase and the investments Microsoft makes in this area after the Metanautix acquisition.

Power BI Dashboard in a Day (DIAD) for SQL Saturday BI

I’m doing a full-day Power BI Dashboard in a Day (DIAD) for SQL Saturday BI on Friday, December 9th for only $129. I’m also sponsoring the event and presenting “Embed Interactive Reports in Your Apps” presentation on Saturday at 9 AM.

SQL Saturday Atlanta BI Edition is proud to announce this full day training, register at today!

Power BI Dashboard in a Day (DIAD) is a one-day training designed by Microsoft to accelerate your Power BI experience with a comprehensive training program in a single day. All you have to do is bring your Windows-based laptop and we’ll supply the rest – even lunch! With DIAD you get practical hands-on training prepared by the Microsoft Power BI team. During this precon we’ll build a Power BI dashboard together. Along the way, you’ll learn:

• How to connect to, import & transform data from a variety of sources
• Build real data models, as well as author and publish Business Intelligence reports
• Customize and share your “creations” for collaboration with other groups securely inside your organization including mobile device sharing
• Get your Power BI questions answered

Reserve your seat now to and witness the value Power BI can deliver to you and your organization!

Azure Analysis Services

Despite the mantra you might hear elsewhere, my experience shows that the best self-service BI is empowering users to create reports from trusted semantic models sanctioned and owned by IT. Most of the implementation work I do involves Analysis Services in one form or another. Analysis Services has a very important role in your BI ecosystem as I explain in the “Why Semantic Layer” newsletter.

Today, at the SQL PASS SUMMIT, Microsoft announced that Analysis Services Tabular is now available as an Azure PaaS service. As a participant in the prerelease program, I had the opportunity to test Azure Analysis Services and this is why I believe you should care:

  1. If you develop cloud-based solutions, you might not have to provision a VM for Tabular anymore. Instead, you can provision an Analysis Services cloud service in seconds, just like you can provision an Azure SQL Database.
  2. You can easily scale up or down Azure Analysis Services, just like you can do this with Azure SQL Database. You can even pause it so that you don’t incur cost.
  3. You don’t have to set up a gateway for SSAS. You can use Power BI Desktop to connect to Azure Analysis Services and deploy the report to Power BI. However, you would need a gateway if your source data resides on premises so that you can process the model with on-premises data. Note that currently you can’t use Power BI Get Data to connect to Azure Analysis Services directly from Power BI. Instead, you must use Power BI Desktop.
  4. The service is highly available by default. SQL Server pros implementing highly available solutions know that this is not easy and not cheap. So, factor in high availability if you find Azure Analysis Services pricing is too high.

On the downside, as it stands Azure Analysis Services uses Azure Active Directory for security and it doesn’t support claim authentication. Power BI users will be able to authenticate but not Power BI Embedded (not yet).

Currently in preview, Azure Analysis Services is a very important addition to the Microsoft Azure BI stack that allows BI pros to implement cloud-based semantic models as they can currently do on premises.


Automating Power BI Desktop Refresh

Power BI Desktop is becoming an increasing popular tool for self-service reporting. But it has a glaring gap. Unlike Excel, it doesn’t currently support an object model for automating tasks. Yet, there are a variety of scenarios that call for task automation, such as refreshing imported data. For example, one customer wanted to show a Power BI Desktop dashboard on a shared monitor that will refresh itself periodically. In another scenario, an ISV wanted to automate the data refresh because Power BI Embedded doesn’t currently have APIs to support a scheduled refresh.

Currently, there is no supported way to refresh Power BI Desktop files automatically. However, you can try the following approaches at your own risk:

  1. Use the Michal Dúbravčík’s PBIXRefresher script. This is a PowerShell script that opens Power BI Desktop and sends a key to the Refresh button.
  2. Shell out to open Power BI Desktop with the file you want to refresh (pbidesktop.exe <filepath to pbix file>). Then, find programmatically the port that the PBI SSAS listens on (see my “Upgrading Power BI Desktop Models to Tabular” blog on this subject). Then, use AMO or the new Tabular Object Model to send a process script command.
  3. Use the commercial Power Update tool, which is capable of refreshing Excel Power Pivot workbooks and Power BI Desktop files.

A Glimpse of Embedding Power BI Reports in SSRS

The first public demo of the highly anticipated Power BI report embedding feature in SSRS 2016 on premises came from Microsoft Ignite. Scroll to the 58 minute in the Ricardo Muti’s “Create a modern enterprise reporting and mobile BI solution with SQL Server 2016” video and enjoy! I expect more details at SQL PASS SUMMIT at the end of this month. Thanks to Dan English for pointing out this video.


Power BI Adds Time Series Forecasting

The September update of Power BI Desktop adds one of the most requested features – time series forecasting on single line charts. You can control the confidence interval and seasonality. To use forecasting, make sure that you add a field of Date data type to the chart axis.


Only when a date field is used, then you’ll see the Forecast section added to the Analytics pane.


Presenting at Atlanta Code Camp 2016

I’m presenting Power BI Embedded at Atlanta Code Camp on Saturday, October 15th.

You have the app. You have the data. What if your app could put the power of analytics everywhere decisions are made and allow your customers to gain insights? Modern apps with data visualizations built-in have the power to inform decisions in context—for any user and on any device. Join me to discover how you can embed data analytics in any app and on one device powered by Azure and Power BI Embedded.

I’ll share my experience in helping customers embed Power BI reports. Learn how to:

  • Create compelling interactive reports
  • Embed easily for faster time to value
  • Deploy quickly and manage with ease
Find the slides in these locations:
1. This site

MVP for 13 Years!

Microsoft awarded me again with the Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award for Data Platform. This is a prestigious annual award given to selected individuals in recognition for their expertise and contribution to the community. There are 387 Data Platform MVPs worldwide and 92 of them are in the United States. his makes it 13 consecutive years for me as Data Platform MVP!
