
A Case for Microsoft Fabric: Dynamics 365 Analytics

I might have identified at last a good case for Microsoft Fabric, but I’ll be in a better position to confirm after a POC with larger datasets. Dynamics Online, aka Dynamics 365, epitomizes the customer’s struggle to export their data hosted in SaaS cloud offerings for analytics or other purposes. Since unfortunately Microsoft doesn’t provide direct access to the Dynamics native storage (Azure SQL Database), which often could be the simplest and fastest solution, Dynamics has “compensated” throughout the years by introducing and sunsetting various options:

OData APIOriginal interfaceSlow, no query folding, currently deprecated
Data Export ServiceExport to Azure SQL DatabaseDeprecated
TDS endpointReal-time direct access to Dynamics Azure SQL DatabaseNot designed for massive extracts; slow
Dataverse APICurrently recommended by MicrosoftAs far as I can tell, no REST operations (see below); questionable performance
Dataverse connectorSame as Dataverse APISame as Dataverse API
Export to ADLSAutomatic synchronizationPerpetually in preview, files stored in proprietary CDM folder format
Fabric linkAutomatic synchronization; delta tables; SQL joinsRequires Fabric licensing; up to 60 min data sync delay; TBD

One of my clients, a large insurance company, has invested heavily in Dynamics 365. They have implemented various Power BI reports that would import millions of rows directly (without data staging) from common CRM entities, such as Account, Opportunity, as well as custom entities, using the OData API. The main struggle has always been that dataset refreshes take hours to complete. Because API calls don’t fold in Power Query, they apply REST operations to select a subset of columns, join tables, and filter data. They rely heavily on Power Query to shape the data which has worked reasonably well.

Dataverse Link to Fabric looks promising in addressing some of the above pitfalls. Once you set it up, it extracts Dynamics data as Delta tables in a Fabric lakehouse. From there, you can use the SQL endpoint to join and filter tables. After the initial synchronization, it might take up to 60 minutes to synchronize data changes in Dynamics so not really real-time data access but much better than the current state.

While working through the setup, keep the following in mind:

  1. The Link to Microsoft Fabric menu is found under the Analyze menu in the ribbon and not at the table level as the video shows. That’s because it exports all the tables.

  1. Referring to the comparison table between Fabric Link and Synapse Link, “No copy, no ETL direct integration with Microsoft Fabric” should be read “No ETL” because the data is still copied. Further, “Data stays in Dataverse” should read “Data is automatically copied to Fabric lakehouse”. Dataverse is just a wrapper on top of Azure SQL Database.
  2. As far as prerequisites, the most important one is “the workspace you choose to link with Dataverse must be assigned to a premium capacity in the same region as your Dataverse environment” with the emphasis on the “same region”. Not having them in the same region is a show stopper.

Again more testing is needed, but at this point I see the following advantages of using the Dataverse Link to Fabric:

  1. CRM data is staged in open file format (Delta Parquet tables) and available for any reporting needs without impacting Dynamics.
  2. No need to use APIs. Instead, you can use SQL to join and filter tables, such as to look up columns or filter data, which is much better than using the API syntax. This will also help you centralize column lookups in SQL views instead of doing this over and over for each report.
  3. Potentially much faster Power BI dataset refreshes
  4. No additional cost to Power BI Premium customers because the Fabric features are available in Power BI Premium.
  5. In a long term bypass importing data and providing users with almost real time (CRM data changes might take up to 60 minutes to synchronize) when the Microsoft DirectLake technology matures. I’m personally very interested in this option but I’ll wait until Power BI Desktop supports it.

Atlanta Microsoft BI Group Meeting on December 4th (Financial Modelling in Microsoft Fabric)

Atlanta BI fans, please join us for the next meeting on Monday, December 4th, at 6:30 PM ET. William Rodriguez will review the key Fabric components whilst walking through a full Financial deployment: data engineering with a tiered medallion architecture, data science with forecasting and other advanced analytics, and data analysis with Power BI. Your humble correspondent will help you catch up on Microsoft BI latest. For more details and sign up, visit our group page.


Presentation: Financial Modelling in Microsoft Fabric

Delivery: In-person

Date: December 4

Time: 18:30 – 20:30 ET

Level: Intermediate

Food: TBD



18:15-18:30 Registration and networking

18:30-19:00 Organizer and sponsor time (events, Power BI latest, sponsor marketing)

19:00-20:15 Main presentation

20:15-20:30 Q&A



Improving Office

11675 Rainwater Dr

Suite #100

Alpharetta, GA 30009

Overview: Fabric is a powerful integrated BI platform. This presentation will review they key components whilst walking through a full Financial deployment: data engineering with a tiered medallion architecture, data science with forecasting and other advanced analytics, and data analysis with Power BI.

Speaker: William Rodriguez is the founder and lead consultant of Analytical Ants, an analytics company focused on procuring insights via data engineering, data science, and data analysis. William has led multi-million-dollar construction projects, acted as financial controller managing million-dollar monthly check productions, and built and deployed BI infrastructures at companies large and ‘small’ ($60M Revenue). Academically, he has his master’s in business, two undergraduate business degrees, four active Microsoft certifications, and over 70 accredited SQLBI training hours. William loves spending time with his amazing family and knows that he would be nowhere without Christ.

Sponsor: TBD


Prologika Newsletter Fall 2023

Microsoft Fabric is upon us with a grand fanfare. You can get a good overview of its vision and capabilities by watching the Microsoft Fabric Launch Digital Event (Day 1) and Microsoft Fabric Launch Digital Event (Day 2) recordings. Consultants and experts are extolling its virtues and busy fully aligning with Microsoft. There is a lot of stuff going on in Fabric and I’m planning to cover the technologies I work with and care about in more detail in future posts as Microsoft reveals more what’s under the kimono. This post is about my overall impression on Fabric, in an attempt to cut through the dopamine and adrenaline-infused marketing hype. As always, please feel free to disagree and provide constructive criticism.

The Good

Let’s just say that after 30 years working with Microsoft technologies, I’m very, very skeptical when I hear loaded terms, like “revolutionary”, “one-something”, “never has been done before”, etc. We all witnessed impressive launches for products that wouldn’t last a year. But it looks like this time Microsoft got their act together and put something that may pass the test of time and that I could recommend or use to help clients. As a starter, I’m glad that we’ve finally settled on a common and open storage (delta and Parquet) after years of experimenting with proprietary and open formats (CDM folders anyone?). This common storage has several advantages, including accessibility, portability, and virtualization.

I also like very much that Microsoft doesn’t enforce or propel a specific architecture or data flow pattern. If you want a lakehouse, sure you can have it. Care about medallion file organization? Sure, you can do that. Don’t want a lakehouse but data warehouse if you don’t deal with files and you don’t like a notebook with a blinking cursor? Not a problem. Want to skip staging data as files to the lake and load it directly in the warehouse? Fine. This is very different approach than other vendors take, such as to promote data warehousing on top of lakehouses and/or rule out relational databases whatsoever (read my thoughts on this here).

It’s obvious that a gigantic effort has taken place to unify and in same cases rewrite products, such as Analysis Services and Synapse Data Warehouse, to adhere to this new platform and vision. Basically, Fabric is the focal point of decades of hard work from all Microsoft teams involved in analytics to at least make a complicate data estate easy to access and manage.

The Bad

Going back to the presentation and my skepticism, I wish Microsoft could dialed down on some promises, like “one copy” of data. Anyone who has implemented a data warehouse of a decent complexity knows that data duplication is necessary. Data exists in the source systems, needs to be staged, and then transformed. Right there we have three copies. True, virtualization might help us avoid some data movement scenarios, such as accessing data directly in S3 buckets or importing in a Power BI dataset (for most companies a few extra minutes for refreshing datasets is not an issue).

Speaking of companies, it’s clear that Fabric (and presenters in the videos) targets the needs of large organizations with complex integration scenarios. But for most organizations “Big Data” is a few million rows and most common integration task is analyzing data from one or multiple ERPs. Should they care about Fabric? I guess it would really depend on its value proposition and budgets, but Fabric pricing hasn’t been announced yet. If Fabric is not available in PPU (Premium Per User), it probably would be dead on arrival for smaller organizations, as they can get modern analytics by spending less than $200/month on infrastructure excluding Power BI per-user licenses.

Finally, although presenters highlighted avoiding vendor lock-in as one of the major benefits of Fabric, you’re going to put all your eggs in one basket: Power BI/Fabric. Making Power BI a one-stop destination for analytics makes of course a lot of sense to Microsoft and increases its revenue potential (nothing wrong with revenue if it brings value). But for you Fabric would be a long-term commitment and you better make sure you avoid Microsoft-proprietary features as much as you can, such as Power Query dataflows and Azure Factory dataflows, should one day you decide to divest from Fabric, Power BI, or even Azure. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a similar situation as this client who had to migrate hundreds of Alteryx flows.

The Ugly

Confusion has descended upon the BI land after Microsoft throws and abandons products left and right. In fact, the Fabric documentation has sections to help you choose product, such as Lakehouse, New Synapse data warehouse, Power BI datamart (that one is easy, stay away from it especially if you plan to adopt Fabric). Should we add Synapse Dedicated Pools and Azure SQL Database to the comparison table?

Further, rewriting these engines means that we must go back to square one and wait for features. For example, the new Synapse data warehouse lacks so many T-SQL features and outside my plans for any near-term projects. Just when I thought Synapse SQL dedicated pools were caching up on T-SQL parity, someone moved my cheese… Well, good things happen to those who wait, so let’s give Fabric a year or so.


Other Fabric related posts:

Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data

Atlanta Microsoft BI Group Meeting on September 11th (Introducing Lakehouse in Microsoft Fabric)

Atlanta BI fans, please join us for the next meeting on Monday, September 11th, at 6:30 PM ET.  Shabnam Waston (BI Consultant and Microsoft MVP) will introduce us to the Lakehouse engine in Microsoft Fabric. Shabnam will also sponsor the meeting. Your humble correspondent will help you catch up on Microsoft BI latest. For more details and sign up, visit our group page.


Presentation: Introducing Lakehouse in Microsoft Fabric

Delivery: Onsite

Date: September 11th

Time: 18:30 – 20:30 ET

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Food: Sponsor wanted



18:15-18:30 Registration and networking

18:30-19:00 Organizer and sponsor time (events, Power BI latest, sponsor marketing)

19:00-20:15 Main presentation

20:15-20:30 Q&A



Improving Office
11675 Rainwater Dr
Suite #100
Alpharetta, GA 30009

Overview: Join this session to learn about Lakehouse architecture in Microsoft Fabric. Microsoft Fabric is an end-to-end big data analytics platform that offers many capabilities including data integration, data engineering, data science, data lake, data warehouse, and many more, all in one unified SaaS model. In this session, you will learn how to create a lakehouse in Microsoft Fabric, load it with sample data using Notebooks/Pipelines, and work with its built-in SQL Endpoint as well as its default Power BI dataset which uses a brand-new storage mode called Direct Lake.

Speaker: Shabnam Watson is a Business Intelligence consultant, speaker, blogger, and Microsoft Data Platform MVP with 20+ years of experience developing Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence solutions. Her work focus within the Microsoft BI Stack has been on Analysis Services and Power BI and most recently on Azure Synapse Analytics. She has worked across several industries including Supply Chain, Finance, Retail, Insurance, and Health Care. Her areas of interest include Power BI, Analysis Services, Performance Tuning, PowerShell, DevOps, Azure, Natural Language Processing, and AI. She is a regular speaker and volunteer at national and local user groups and conferences. She holds a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering and a master’s degree in computer science.

Sponsor: Shabnam Watson


A First Look at Microsoft Fabric: Recap

Did I disappoint you?
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without


In previous posts, I shared my initial impression of the recently announced Microsoft Fabric and its main engines. Now that we have the Fabric licensing and pricing, I’m ready to wrap up my review with a few parting notes. Here is how I plan to position Fabric to my clients:

Enterprise clients

These clients have complex data integration needs. More than likely, they are already on a Power BI Premium contract and highly-discounted pricing model that is reviewed and renewed annually with Microsoft. Given that Fabric can be enabled on premium capacities, you should definitely consider it selectively when it makes sense. For now, I believe a good case can be made for data lake and lakehouse if that’s your thing.

Now you have an alternative to Databricks and you can standardize BI on one platform and vendor.

I don’t have experience in Databricks to offer more in-depth comparison, but in my opinion the most compelling features to favor Fabric for now are:

  1. No additional cost or Power BI Premium capacity upgrade if you aren’t reaching the workload limits
  2. One platform and one vendor to avoid the blame game when things don’t work
  3. Fast Direct Lake data access for ad-hoc analysis directly on top of files in the lakehouse
  4. Easy data virtualization

If you decide in Fabric’s favor, you’d be wise to reduce dependencies on Microsoft proprietary and bundled features, such as Power Query dataflows and data pipelines insides Fabric (I’d use a stand-alone ADF instance once ADF supports Fabric). Hopefully, bring-your-own-lake will appear on day to circumvent the Fabric OneLake shortcomings.

Small and medium-size clients

Unfortunately, Microsoft didn’t make Fabric available with PPU (premium-per-user) licensing. This would surely put it out of reach for smaller organizations. True, you can purchase a Fabric F2 license for as little as $262/month and run it on a quarter of a core. I didn’t know a quarter of a core existed, but Microsoft did it, although you probably won’t get too far with it for production use (see results from my F2 limited performance tests here). You can opt for a higher SKU, but it would increase your bill and Fabric capacities can’t be auto-paused. For example, a “luxurious” 1 core (F8 plan) will put you in the 1K/month range, plus Power BI Pro licenses for all users (contributors and viewers).

But fear not. There is nothing in Fabric that you desperately need or can’t obtain outside Fabric in a much more cost-effective way.

Expect Microsoft to push Fabric aggressively. However, I believe Fabric has more appeal for large organizations while low-budged simple solutions with Power BI Pro or PPU licensing would likely better address your needs. And your BI solution is still going to be “modern”, whatever that means…

Fabric Semantic Modeling: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

In retrospect, I’d say I owe 50% of my BI career to Analysis Services and its flavors: Multidimensional, Tabular, and later Power BI. This is why I closely follow how this technology evolves. Fast forwarding to Fabric, there are no dramatic changes. Unlike the other two Fabric Engines (Lakehouse and Warehouse), Power BI datasets haven’t embraced the delta lake file format to store its data yet. The most significant change is the introduction of a new Direct Lake data access mode alongside the existing Import and DirectQuery.

The Good

Direct Lake will surely enable interesting scenarios, such as real-time BI on top of streaming data. It requires Parquet delta lake files and therefore it’s available only when connecting to the Lakehouse managed area (Tables folder) and Warehouse tables. Given that Parquet is a columnar format, which is what Tabular VertiPaq is, basically Microsoft has changed the engine to read Parquet files as it does with its proprietary IDF file format.

The primary usage scenario is fast analysis on top of large data volumes without importing data and without delegating the query to another server. Therefore, think of Direct Lake is a hybrid between Import and DirectQuery modes. By “large data volumes”, I mean data that otherwise won’t fit into memory and/or it will require substantial time to refresh but low latency access would be preferable.

Microsoft has accomplished this feat by using the following existing and new Analysis Services features:

  • Vertiscan – The ability for Analysis Services to query columnar storage. Instead of using the IDF file format to store the Vertipaq data, DirectLake instead uses the Parquet file format in Lakehouse or Warehouse. The AS engine loads the data from the Parquet files (with some extra effort) and maps the column values into (mostly) the same data structures that would have been used if the data was coming from IDF files. After that, Vertiscan is querying the data as if it was Import data, so query performance should be at par with Import mode.
  • On-demand data loading – The ability to page in and out data that was introduced in 2021 for imported data. If the data needs to be paged in, there will be some delay but after that it will be fast until and unless it gets paged out later on. Chris Webb covers on-demand loading in his post On-Demand Loading Of Direct Lake Power BI Datasets In Fabric.
  • V-order – an extension to the Parquet file format to get a better compression like VertiPaq

The Bad

Naturally, I’d like to see Direct Lake available outside Fabric.

Currently, here is what needs to happen to connect to external Delta Parquet files, such as files located in ADLS:

  • Create a lakehouse.
  • Create a shortcut in OneLake to the external source table.
  • Create the dataset on top of the lakehouse

As you can see, you can’t escape the Fabric gravitational pull to get Direct Lake. Further, the Parquet files produced by the Fabric workloads (Lakehouse/DW/etc.) will typically be faster and more compressed because of the V-order compression.

The Ugly

Among the Direct Lake limitations, the most significant for me is that not only you need Fabric to get Direct Lake, but also you must create the dataset online using the “New Power BI dataset” feature in Lakehouse/Warehouse, which has its own limitations.

Therefore, for now you can’t use Power BI Desktop to create your semantic model that uses Direct Lake connectivity. This will require Write support to be added to the Analysis Services Power BI XMLA endpoint. However, once you create the Direct Lake dataset, you can use Power BI Desktop to connect to it using the OneLake Data Hub connector.

Fabric Data Integration: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Oops, I did it again
I played with your heart
Got lost in the game…

Britney Spears

In previous posts, I shared my thoughts about Fabric OneLake, Lakehouse, and Data Warehouse. They are of course useless if there is no way to get data in and out of Fabric. Data integration and data quality is usually the most difficult part of implementing a BI solution, accounting for 60-80% of the overall effort. Therefore, this post is about Fabric data integration options.

Fabric supports three options for automated data integration: Data Pipeline (Azure Data Factory pipeline), Dataflow Gen2 (Power BI dataflow), and Notebook (Spark). I summarize these three options in the following table, which loosely resembles the Microsoft comparison table but with my take on it.

Data pipeline
(ADF pipeline/copy activity)
Dataflow Gen2
(Power BI dataflow)
Primary userBI developerBusiness analystData scientist, Developer
Patterns supportedETL/ELTETLETL
Primary skillsetSQLPower QuerySpark
Data volumeHighLow to mediumHigh
Primary code languageSQLMScala, Python, Spark SQL, R
Vendor lock-inMedium (minimize with ELT pattern)HighLow

The Good

We have three options for data integration to support different personas and skillsets. Unlike other “a notebook with a blinking cursor” vendors, data pipeline and dataflow provide no code/low code options.

Power BI dataflows are now supposedly more scalable, which apparently justifies the Gen2 tag. They finally support destinations although the list is limited to Azure SQL Database and the Fabric engines (Lakehouse, Warehouse, and KQL Database).

The Copy activity in Fabric data pipelines now supports creating delta tables although it doesn’t support merges.

The Bad

Microsoft is pushing dataflows to “data engineer, data integrator, and business analyst”. My guidance is to consider dataflows only if you want to open data ingestion to business users (something you must carefully think about and definitely surround it with a log of supervision). As its predecessor (Power BI dataflows), Power Query is notoriously difficult to troubleshoot or optimize. It doesn’t support the ELT pattern (my favorite), such as to handle Type 2 changes. This could be partially ramified by implementing a pipeline that mixes dataflows with other ADF artifacts, such as calling stored procedures in Fabric Warehouse. Moreover, I consider Power Query as a Microsoft proprietary tool, irrespective that the M language is documented. If one day you decide to leave Fabric, you’d need to rewrite your flows. Finally, the only output options supported are append or replace (no update).

Moving to ADF, the copy activity supports only append or replace (no update). Outside Fabric, Azure Data Fabric doesn’t have connectors to connect to Fabric yet.

I personally abhor the idea to put all BI artifacts in Fabric, if not for anything else, but to have a better way out if one day a client decides to part ways with Fabric.

Haven’t we learned anything from Synapse pipelines? Ask Microsoft how to migrate them to Fabric if you have fallen for that “best practice”. I’d carefully weight going all the way with Fabric (I know that bundles are a big incentive) instead of being more independent and use Fabric more selectively.

For data warehousing, which is the primary scenario I personally care about in Fabric, I primarily rely on the ELT pattern for a variety of reasons. I shall miss T-SQL MERGE in Fabric Warehouse, but I plan to leave it to marinate for a year or so anyway.

The Ugly

After all the push to use ADF mapping data flows in Synapse, where are they hiding in Fabric? Alas, they haven’t made it and they were superseded by Power BI dataflows.

This underscores another important reason to use the ETL pattern whenever you can. At least you can salvage your SQL code as a vendor “evolves” or “revolutionizes” their offerings. Which is another way of a vendor saying “oops, we did it again…” and we shall go back to the drawing board.

Fabric Data Warehouse: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

“Patience my tinsel angel, patience my perfumed child
One day they’ll really love you, you’ll charm them with that smile
But for now it’s just another Chelsea [TL: BI] Monday”

Continuing our Power BI Fabric journey, let’s look at another of its engines that I personally care about – Fabric Warehouse (aka as Synapse Data Warehouse). Most of my real-life projects require integrating data from multiple data sources into a centralized repository (commonly referred to as a data warehouse) that centralizes trusted data and serves it as a source to Power BI and Analysis Services semantic models. Due to the venerable history of relational databases and other benefits, I’ve been relying on relational databases powered by SQL Server to host the data warehouse. This usually entails a compromise between scalability and budget. Therefore, Azure-based projects with low data volumes (up to a few million rows) typically host the warehouse in a cost-effective Azure SQL Database, while large scale projects aim for Synapse SQL Dedicated Pools. And now there is a new option on the horizon – Fabric Warehouse. But where does it fit in?

The Good

Why would you care about Fabric Warehouse given that Microsoft has three (and counting) Azure SQL SKUs: Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and Synapse SQL Dedicated Pools (based on Azure SQL Database)? Ok, it saves data in an open file format in OneLake (delta tables), but I personally don’t quite care much about how data is saved. We could say that SQL Server is also (although proprietary) a file-based engine that served us well for 30+ years. I care much more about other things, such as performance, budget, and T-SQL parity. However, as I mentioned in the previous Fabric-related blogs, the common delta format across Fabric enables data virtualization, should you decide to put all your eggs in one basket and embrace Fabric for all your data needs. Let’s say you have some files in the lakehouse managed zone. You can shortcut lakehouse delta tables to the Data Warehouse engine and avoid data movement. By contrast, previously you had to spin more ETL to move data from the Synapse serverless endpoint to the Synapse dedicated pools.

A big improvement is that you can also cross-query data warehouses and lakehouses, which wasn’t previously possible in Azure Synapse.

You can do this by writing familiar T-SQL queries with three-part-naming, such as querying a lakehouse table in your warehouse:
SELECT TOP (100) * FROM [wwilakehouse].dbo.dimension_customer

In fact, the elimination (or rather fusion) of Synapse Dedicated Pools and Serverless is a big plus for me. The infinite scale and instantaneous scalability that resulted from decoupling compute and store sounds interesting. I don’t know how Fabric Warehouse will evolve over time but I really hope that at some point, it will eliminate the afore-mentioned Azure SQL SKU decision for hosting relational data warehouses. I hope it will support the best of both worlds – the ability to dynamically scale (as serverless Azure SQL Database) up to the large scale of Synapse Dedicated Pools.

The Bad

Now that Azure SQL SKUs are piling up, Microsoft owes us serious benchmarks for Fabric Warehouse analytical and transactional loads.

Speaking of loads and considering that Fabric Warehouse saves data in columnar structures (Parquet files), this is not a tool to use for heavy OLTP loads. Columnar formats fit data analytics like a glove when data is analyzed by columns, but they will probably perform poorly for heavy transactional loads. Again, benchmarks could help determine where that cutoff point is.

Unlike Power BI Premium (P) capacities, Fabric capacities acquired by purchasing an Azure F plan can be scaled up or down (like Power BI Embedded A* plans). However, like A* plans, this requires manual intervention. I was hoping for dynamically scaling up and down workloads within a capacity to meet more demand and reduce cost. For example, I should be able to configure the capacity to auto-pause Fabric Warehouse when it is not in use and the data is imported in a Power BI dataset.

As I mentioned in my Fabric Lakehouse: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly post, given that both saves data in the same format, I find the Lakehouse and Warehouse engines redundant and confusing. Currently, ADLS shortcomings are implicated for this separation and my hope is that at one point they will merge. If you are a SQL developer, you should be able to use SQL, and if you prefer notebooks for whatever reason, you can use Python or whatever language you prefer on the same data. This will be really nice and naturally resolve the lakehouse-vs-warehouse decision point.

The Ugly

Due to the fact that it’s completely rewritten, a work in progress, and therefore subject to many limitations, as it stands Fabric Warehouse is unusable for me.

After the botched Synapse saga, Microsoft had the audacity to call this offering the next generation of Synapse warehouse (in fact, the Fabric architecture labels is as Synapse Data Warehousing, I guess to save face) despite the fact that they pretty much start from scratch at least in terms of features. I call it “Oops, we did it again, overpromised and underdelivered, got lost in the game, Ooh, baby, baby…” I’ll give Fabric Warehouse a year or so before I revisit. If my hope for Fabric Warehouse as a more straightforward choice for warehousing materializes, I also wish Microsoft decouples it from Fabric and makes it available as a standalone Azure SKU offering. Which is pretty much my wish for all tools in the Fabric bundle. Bundles are great until you decide to opt out and salvage pieces…

Finally, after all the push and marketing hoopla, Synapse SQL Dedicated Pools seems to be on an unofficial deprecated path. I guess Microsoft has seen the writing on the wall from competing with other large-scale DW vendors. The current guidance is to consider them for high-scale performance while the “evolved” and “rewritten” Fabric Synapse Warehouse should be at the forefront for future DW implementations. And there is no migration path from Dedicated SQL Pools.

Fabric Lakehouse: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

“Hey, I got this lake house, you should see it
It’s only down the road a couple miles
I bet you’d feel like you’re in Texas
I bet you’ll wanna stay a while”
Brad Cox

Continuing our Fabric purview, Lakehouse is now on the menu. Let’s start with a definition. According to Databricks which are credited with this term, a data lakehouse is “a new, open data management architecture that combines the flexibility, cost-efficiency, and scale of data lakes with the data management and ACID transactions of data warehouses, enabling business intelligence (BI) and machine learning (ML) on all data.” Further, their whitepaper “argues that the data warehouse architecture as we know it today will wither in the coming years and be replaced by a new architectural pattern, the Lakehouse, which will (i) be based on open direct-access data formats…” In other words, give us all of your data in a delta lake format, embrace our engine, and you can ditch the “legacy” relational databases for data warehousing and OLAP.

The Microsoft’s Lakehouse definition is less ambitious and exclusive. “Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse is a data architecture platform for storing, managing, and analyzing structured and unstructured data in a single location. It is a flexible and scalable solution that allows organizations to handle large volumes of data using a variety of tools and frameworks to process and analyze that data. It integrates with other data management and analytics tools to provide a comprehensive solution for data engineering and analytics”. In other words, a lakehouse is whatever you want it to be if you want something better than a data lake.

The Good

I like the Microsoft lakehouse definition better. Nobody forces me to adopt an architectural pattern that probably won’t stand the test of time anyway.

If I must deal with files, I can put them in the lakehouse unmanaged area. The unmanaged area is represented by the Files virtual view. This area somehow escapes the long-standing Power BI limitation that workspaces can’t have subfolders and therefore allows you to organize the files in any folder structure. And if I want to adopt the delta lake format, I can put my data in the lakehouse managed area, which is represented by the Tables virtual view.

Further, the Fabric lakehouse automatically discovers and registers delta lake tables created in the managed area. So, you can use a Power Query dataflow or ADF Copy Activity to write some data in a delta lake format and Fabric will register the table for you in the Spark metastore with the necessary metadata such as column names, formats, compression and more (you don’t have use Spark to register the table). Currently, the automatic discovery and registration is supported only for data written in the delta lake format.

You get two analytical engines for the price of one to query the delta tables in the managed area. Like Synapse Serverless, the SQL endpoint lets users and tools query the delta tables using SQL. And the brand new DirectLake mode in Analysis Services (more on this in a future post) lets you create Power BI datasets and reports that connect directly to the delta tables with blazing speed so you don’t have to import to get better performance.

Finally, I love the ability to shortcut lakehouse tables to the Data Warehouse engine and avoid data movement. By contrast, previously you had to spin more ETL to move data from Synapse serverless endpoint to the Synapse dedicated pools.

The Bad

As the most lake-like engine, Fabric lakehouse shares the same limitations as the Fabric OneLake which I discussed in a previous post.

Going quickly through the list, the managed area (Tables) can’t be organized in subfolders. If you try to paint outside the “canvas”, the delta tables will end up in an Unidentified folder and they won’t be automatically registered. Hopefully, this is a preview limitation since I don’t see you can implement a medallion file organization if that’s your thing. Further, while you can create delta tables from files in the unmanaged area, the tables are not automatically synchronized with changes to the original files. Automatic delta table synchronization could be very useful that I hope will make its way to the roadmap.

The Microsoft API wrapper that sits on top of OneLake is married to the Power BI security model. You can’t overwrite or augment the security permissions, such as by granting ACL permissions directly to the lakehouse folders. Even Shared Access Signature is not allowed. Storage account key is not an option too as you don’t have access to the storage account. So, to get around such limitations, you’d have to create storage accounts outside Fabric, which defeats the OneLake vision.

It’s unclear how Fabric would address DevOps, such as Development and Production environments. Currently, a best practice is to separate all services so more than likely Microsoft will enhance Power BI pipelines to handle all Fabric content.

The Ugly

Given that both the lakehouse and data warehouse (new Synapse) have embraced delta lake storage, it’s redundant and confusing to have two engines.

The documentation goes in length to explain the differences but why the separation? Based on what I’ve learned, the main reason is related to ADLS limitations to support important SQL features, including transactions that span multiple tables, lack of full T-SQL support (no updates, limited reads) and performance issues with trickle transactions. Hopefully, one day these issues will be resolved and the lakehouse and data warehouse will merge to give us the most flexibility. If you know SQL, you’d use SQL and if you prefer notebooks, you can use the Spark-supported languages to manipulate the same data.

Fabric OneLake: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

To know a tool is to know its limitations – Teo’s proverb

In a previous post, I shared my overall impression of Fabric. In this post, I’ll continue exploring Fabric, this time sharing my thoughts on OneLake. If you need a quick intro to Fabric OneLake, the Josh Caplan’s “Build 2023: Eliminate data silos with OneLake, the OneDrive for Data” presentation provides a great overview of OneLake, its capabilities, and the vision behind it from a Microsoft perspective. If you prefer a shorter narrative, you can find it in the “Microsoft OneLake in Fabric, the OneDrive for data” post. As always, we are all learning and constructive criticism would be appreciated if I missed or misinterpreted something.

What’s Fabric OneLake?

In a nutshell, OneLake is a Microsoft-provisioned storage where the ingested data and the data from the analytical (compute) engines are stored (see the screenshot below). Currently, PBI datasets (Analysis Services) are not saved in OneLake although one could anticipate that in the long run all Power BI data artifacts could (and should) end up in OneLake for Power BI Fabric-enabled workspaces.

Behind the scenes, OneLake uses Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2, but there is an application wrapper on top of it that handles various tasks, such as management (you don’t have to provision storage accounts or external tables), security (Power BI security is enforced), and governance. OneLake is tightly coupled with the Power BI catalog and security. In fact, you can’t create folders outside the Power BI catalog so proper catalog planning is essential. When you create a Fabric workspace in Power BI, Microsoft provisions an empty blob container in OneLake for that workspace. As you provision additional Fabric Services, Fabric creates more folders and save data in these folders. For example, I can use Azure Storage Explorer to connect to a Fabric Lakehouse Tutorial workspace ( lakehouse tutorial) and see that I have provisioned a data warehouse called dw and a lakehouse called wwilakehouse. Microsoft has also added two additional system folders for data staging.

The Good

I like to have the data from the compute engines saved in one place and to be able to access that data as delta Parquet files. There is something serene to have this transparency after decades of not being able to pick under hood of some proprietary file format.

I also like very much the ability to use different engines to access that data (Microsoft calls this OneCopy although a more appropriate term in my opinion would be OneShare).

For example, I can query a table in the lakehouse directly from the data warehouse (such as select * from [wwilakehouse].dbo.dimension_customer) without having to create PolyBase external tables or use the serverless endpoint.

I welcome the possibility for better data virtualization both within and outside the organization. For example, in a lakehouse I can create shortcuts to other Fabric lakehouses, ADLS folders, and even external storage systems, such as S3 (Google and Dataverse coming up).

I’d like the governance aspect and the possibility it enables, such as lineage tracking and data security. In fact, OneSecurity is on the roadmap, where once you secure the data at OneLake, the data security bubbles up. It would be interesting to see how this will work and its limitations, as I’d imagine it won’t be as flexible as Power BI RLS.

The Bad

An API wrapper is a double-edged sword because it wraps and abstracts things. You really have to embrace the Power BI catalog and its security model along with their limitations, because there is no way around it.

For example, you can’t use Azure Data Explorer to change the ACL permissions on the folder or create folders where OneLake doesn’t like them (OneLake simply ignores certain APIs). Isn’t this a good thing though to centralize at a higher level, such as the Power BI workspace and prevent users to pain outside the canvas? Well, how about granting some external vendor permissions to write to OneLake, such as to upload files. From what I can see, even Shared Access Signature is not allowed. Storage account key is not an option too as you don’t have access to the storage account. So, to get around such limitations, you’d have to create separate storage accounts, but this defeats the promise of one lake.

Perhaps, this is an example that you don’t care much about. How about the lakehouse medallion architecture pattern which is getting popular nowadays for lakehouse-centric implementations. While you can create subfolders in the Lakehouse “unmanaged” zone (the Files folder), no such luck with the Tables folder to organize your delta lake tables in Bronze, Silver, and Gold zones. I can’t see another solution but to create a Power BI workspace for each zone.

Further, what if you must address data residency requirements of some litigation-prone country? The above-cited presentation correctly states that content can be geo-located but that will require purchasing more Power BI capacities irrespective of the fact that ADLS storage accounts can be created in different geo locations. Somehow, I start longing about bringing your own data lake and I don’t think that provisioning storage accounts is that difficult (in fact, a Power BI workspace already has the feature to link to BYO ADLS storage to save the output of Power Query dataflows). Speaking of accounts, I’m looking forwards to seeing how Fabric would address DevOps, such as Development and Production environments. Currently, a best practice is to separate all services so more than likely Microsoft will enhance Power BI pipelines to handle all Fabric content.

The Ugly

How can I miss another opportunity to harp again on Power BI for the lack of hierarchical workspaces? The domain feature that Microsoft shows in the presentation to logically group workspaces could be avoided to a great extent if Finance could organize content in subfolders and break security inheritance when needed, instead of ending up with workspaces, such as Finance North America, Finance EMEA, etc. Since OneLake is married to the Power BI catalog, more catalog flexibility is essential.

Given that OneLake and ADLS in general would be a preferred location for business users to store reference data, such as Excel files, Microsoft should enhance Office to support ADLS. Currently, Office apps can’t directly open and save files in ADLS (the user must download the file somehow, edit it, and then upload it back to ADLS). Consequently, business users favor other tools, such as SharePoint Online, which leads to decentralizing the data required for analytics.