
Uploading Files to ADLS Gen2 with Python and Service Principal Authentication

I had an integration challenge recently. I set up Azure Data Lake Storage for a client and one of their customers want to use Python to automate the file upload from MacOS (yep, it must be Mac). They found the command line azcopy not to be automatable enough. So, I whipped the following Python code out. I configured service principal authentication to restrict access to a specific blob container instead of using Shared Access Policies which require PowerShell configuration with Gen 2. The comments below should be sufficient to understand the code.

###install dependencies
# install Azure CLI
#pip install azure-identity
#pip install azure-storage-blob
# upgrade or install pywin32 to build 282 to avoid error “DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application” while importing azure.identity
# pip install pywin32 –upgrade

# IMPORTANT! set the four environment (bash) variables as per

# Note that AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID is enclosed with double quotes while the rest are not

import os

from import BlobClient

from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

storage_url = “” # mmadls01 is the storage account name 

credential = DefaultAzureCredential() # This will look up env variables to determine the auth mechanism. In this case, it will use service principal authentication 

# Create the client object using the storage URL and the credential

blob_client = BlobClient(storage_url, container_name=“maintenance/in”blob_name=“sample-blob.txt”credential=credential) # “maintenance” is the container, “in” is a folder in that container

# Open a local file and upload its contents to Blob Storage

with open(“./sample-source.txt”“rb”as data:
