Prologika Newsletter Summer 2022

The workhorse of any modern BI solution is the semantic model that provides unparallel performance and contains business logic and security roles. Microsoft BI gives us three options to host semantic model: SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Azure Analysis Services (AAS), and Power BI.  This newsletter explains why it might be beneficial to consider AAS and includes a script for automating resuming, processing, and synchronizing a model hosted on AAS.

Why Azure Analysis Services?

Microsoft BI practitioners have three options for hosting semantic models: SSAS (on prem), Azure Analysis Services (cloud), and Power BI (cloud). AAS is somewhat caught between a rock and a hard place. Given that Power BI gets the most attention for cloud deployment, why would you consider AAS at all? There are two main reasons:

  1. Cost – Organizational semantic models might require a lot of memory and crunching power. Hosting them on AAS might be more cost effective. For example, AAS S4 runs at around $5,000 which at the same price point as Power BI Premium P1. However, it gives you 100 GB of RAM and 20 cores, whereas P1 has only 25 GB and 8 cores.
  2. Scaling out – A feature unique to AAS is ability to scale out to multiple query replicas. This is not an option with Power BI Premium, and it requires quite a bit of setup with SSAS. However, AAS makes scaling out easy by just changing a slider. And once you’re done, you can pause it, so it doesn’t incur cost!

Automating the solution

Scaling out proved to be a useful feature lately when a client wanted to process massive queries in parallel. We cloned the model to AAS and wrote an ETL job to parallelize the query execution.

Note that the number of replicas depends on the data region and pricing level. For example, only East US 2 and West US support up to 7 query replicas up to S4. Another thing to watch for is that it’s not enough to just process the model on a scale-out farm. You’d need also to synchronize it across the query replicas. This could be done manually in the Azure Portal or automated, such by using the PowerShell script below that you can plug in a SQL Agent job. The script uses a regular AAD account which has admin rights to the server. You can also use a service principal, but I opted for a regular account because Microsoft removed the option for no expiration date for the client secret (the maximum lifetime of a client secret now is two years).

Import-Module Az.AnalysisServices
$password = "<account password>" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$username = "craas@<domain>.com"
$aasendpoint = "asazure://"
$aasendpointmgmt = "asazure://"
$TenantId = "<tenant id>"
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$password)
$defaultProfile = Connect-AzAccount -Credential $credential -Tenant $TenantId

Set-AzContext -Tenant $TenantId -DefaultProfile $defaultProfile
$server = Get-AzAnalysisServicesServer -ResourceGroupName "crliveaas_rg" -Name "crliveaas1" -DefaultProfile $defaultProfile
if ($server.State -eq "Paused")
    Resume-AzAnalysisServicesServer -Name "crliveaas1" -ResourceGroupName "crliveaas_rg"  
    #process database; ClearValues removes the data to reduce the memory footprint
    Invoke-ProcessASDatabase -Server $aasendpointmgmt -DatabaseName "<databasename>" -RefreshType "ClearValues" -Credential $credential
    Invoke-ProcessASDatabase -Server $aasendpointmgmt -DatabaseName "<databasename>" -RefreshType "Full" -Credential $credential

    # sync database
    Add-AzAnalysisServicesAccount  -Credential:$credential -RolloutEnvironment:""
    Sync-AzAnalysisServicesInstance -Instance $aasendpointmgmt -Database "<databasename>" -PassThru


When it comes to cloud deployment of Analysis Services semantic models, Power BI is preferable because you’re always on the latest features. However, Azure Analysis Services can help you reduce cost and scale out query execution – feature that Power BI doesn’t support.

Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data
Microsoft Partner | Gold Data Analytics


Power BI Field Parameters

Coming back from a long vacation and I almost missed this new Power BI killer feature: Field Parameters! Not to be confused with Dynamic M Query Parameters that I ranted about here, field parameters solve a long-standing limitation of Power BI that prevents binding dynamically fields to a visual. Dynamic binding isn’t an issue with measures because they are dynamic and can evaluate runtime conditions, such as slicer selection, but dimensions are a different story. Once they are bound to a category bucket in a visual, you couldn’t change them on the fly.

Yet, one common scenario was to let the user control which fields will be used for slicing the measure(s) in a visual. I’ve seen rather convoluted implementations to get around this limitation. Field parameters to the rescue. Now once you create a field parameter and bind it to the visual, the user can simply select which field will be used for slicing.

Field parameters open the opportunity for packing more visuals on a single page and letting the user specify what they want to see in these visuals! Moreover, the fields can come from different tables. On the downside, one significant limitation not mentioned in the documentation, is that currently visuals can’t sort on the field parameter and no workaround exists (see this GitHub issue for details).

BTW, you can use this DAX measure to get the user-friendly selected value assuming you accepted the default name for the field parameter: ParameterTitle = MAX(Parameter[Parameter]). Or, because the parameter uses a groupby set, you can use this expression (thanks Alberto Ferrari):

ParameterTitle =
VAR _a = SUMMARIZE ( Parameter, Parameter[Parameter], Parameter[Parameter Fields] )
VAR _b = SELECTCOLUMNS ( _a, "Parameter", Parameter[Parameter] )
VAR _result = IF ( COUNTROWS ( _b ) = 1, _b )

Power BI Datamarts: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

As Microsoft announced here, Power BI datamarts are upon us. I can almost see an important enterprise client demanding “self-service datamarts me now or else… “, thus inspiring an opportunity for another premium feature, spearheaded with great vision and effort, but questionable practical value. In a nutshell, a Power BI datamart is a combo of Power BI Premium and a Microsoft-hosted Azure SQL Database aiming to simplify the implementation of a departmental datamart.

The Good

Unlike other vendors, such as Domo and their proprietary and overly expensive stack, Microsoft has decided to go with somewhat open solution consisting of tools that Power BI users already know: Power Query, Power BI Desktop (for the first time some of its modeling features, such as relationships and DAX measures, made it to the cloud), and SQL Server. Microsoft provisions the database for you although surrounds it with some red tape (more on this in a moment). Thus, a business users aiming for “no code, low code” experience will whip out some dataflows that populate the database and then build a model (dataset) directly in Power BI Service. Obviously, the main goal is to simplify the experience as much as possible where all the action happens online.

It’s nice that Microsoft chose hosting the data in a SQL database instead of a “lakehouse”. Apparently, they learned some painful lessons from Power Query CDM folders. The database size is up to 100 GB which is not bad at all.

The Bad

From the announcement, “Best of all, IT doesn’t have to worry about getting all data into centrally governed data sources, thus providing discipline at the core and flexibility at the edge.” I failed to see how this will provide “discipline at the core” – a tenant that Microsoft learned from their own pain points after tilting too much toward self-service BI. I’ve seen also statements online that business users don’t have to “consult with IT anymore” when implementing datamarts. Really? What happened to managed self-service BI? I’m sure IT will be thrilled having corporate data in Microsoft-owned databases that they can’t manage and queries running amuck and consuming precious premium resources. Luckily, the admin portal has a switch to control who can create these datamarts. I hope at least we have a BYO database feature at some point.

The elastic Azure SQL database that Microsoft provisions is read-only, meaning that you can’t create objects. I’m a big fan of pushing calculations as much as possible to SQL Server, such as by implementing SQL views, but we can’t do that. Instead, we would use Power Query (what else of course) for all the transforms. But I have serious reservations against Power Query – a tool that is known to cause performance issues without providing any troubleshooting and maintenance insights.

The Ugly

Do we really need this feature? I would argue that what was really needed was extending Power Query with “destinations” where the user can specify where the data would land. If that was implemented, IT could selectively let business users augment the infrastructure set up by IT with self-service ETL (more than likely temporary) that sinks the data into an IT-sanctioned database. Further, it would have gotten us out of another proprietary mess that forces dataflows to save their output into CDM folders that make sense only to Microsoft (see my “Power BI Dataflows vs ADF Mapping Data Flows” blog for the gory details). Want to save dataflow data somewhere else? You got to use Power BI datamarts because this is the only way you can have your data in a (Microsoft) relational database and nowhere else.

Recently, an enterprise client has decided to migrate all self-service Alteryx flows to IT-governed ADF pipelines. More than likely, Power BI datamarts are heading in that direction. Be very careful about any pure self-service features, as you might find yourself in a bigger mess that you tried to solve.

A Case for Azure Analysis Services

Microsoft BI practitioners have three options for hosting semantic models: SSAS (on prem), Azure Analysis Services (cloud), and Power BI (cloud). AAS is somewhat caught between a rock and a hard place. Given that Power BI gets the most attention for cloud deployment, why would you consider AAS at all? There are two main reasons:

  1. Cost – Organizational semantic models might require a lot of memory and crunching power. Hosting them on AAS might be more cost effective. For example, AAS S4 runs at around $5,000 which at the same price point as Power BI Premium P1. However, it gives you 100 GB of RAM and 20 cores, whereas P1 has only 25 GB and 8 cores.
  2. Scaling out – A feature unique to AAS is ability to scale out to multiple query replicas. This is not an option with Power BI Premium, and it requires quite a bit of setup with SSAS. However, AAS makes scaling out easy by just changing a slider. And once you’re done, you can pause the instance, so it doesn’t incur cost!

Scaling out proved to be a useful feature lately when a client wanted to process massive queries in parallel. We cloned the model to AAS and wrote an ETL job to parallelize the query execution.

Note that the number of replicas depends on the data region and pricing level. For example, only East US 2 and West US support up to 7 query replicas up to S4. Another thing to watch for is that it’s not enough to just process the model on a scale-out farm. You’d need also to synchronize it across the query replicas. This could be done manually in the Azure Portal or automated, such by using the PowerShell script below that you can plug in a SQL Agent job. The script uses a regular AAD account which has admin rights to the server. You can also use a service principal, but I opted for a regular account because Microsoft removed the option for no expiration date for the client secret (the maximum lifetime of a client secret now is two years).

Import-Module Az.AnalysisServices
$password = "<account password>" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$username = "craas@<domain>.com"
$aasendpoint = "asazure://"
$aasendpointmgmt = "asazure://"
$TenantId = "<tenant id>"
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$password)
$defaultProfile = Connect-AzAccount -Credential $credential -Tenant $TenantId

Set-AzContext -Tenant $TenantId -DefaultProfile $defaultProfile
$server = Get-AzAnalysisServicesServer -ResourceGroupName "crliveaas_rg" -Name "crliveaas1" -DefaultProfile $defaultProfile
if ($server.State -eq "Paused")
    Resume-AzAnalysisServicesServer -Name "crliveaas1" -ResourceGroupName "crliveaas_rg"  
    #process database, first clear the data so processing doesn't go over memory limit
    Invoke-ProcessASDatabase -Server $aasendpointmgmt -DatabaseName "<databasename>" -RefreshType "ClearValues" -Credential $credential
    Invoke-ProcessASDatabase -Server $aasendpointmgmt -DatabaseName "<databasename>" -RefreshType "Full" -Credential $credential

    # sync database
   Add-AzAnalysisServicesAccount  -Credential:$credential -RolloutEnvironment:""
   Sync-AzAnalysisServicesInstance -Instance $aasendpointmgmt -Database "<databasename>" -PassThru

Atlanta MS BI and Power BI Group Meeting on June 6th (How Power Query Thinks)

Please join us online for the next Atlanta MS BI and Power BI Group meeting on Monday, June 6th, at 6:30 PM ET.  For more details and sign up, visit our group page.

Presentation:How Power Query Thinks: Taking the Mystery Out of Streaming and Query Folding
Date:June 6th
Time:6:30 – 8:30 PM ET
Place:Click here to join the meeting
Overview:How does Power Query produce the table data your expressions ask it to output? Query folding is one key concept—where behind the scenes, part or all of your M code may be rewritten into the data source’s native query language then offloaded to the source for execution. Streaming, though perhaps a less familiar term, is even more fundamental, as it describes how table data (as well as list and binary data) flows between functions in M.


Understand these concepts, and you’ll be better positioned to write more efficient mashups, debug problems and avoid unexpected variability in results. Join this session to learn about these key concepts—in a nutshell, to learn about How Power Query Thinks when you ask it to produce table data!


Speaker:Author of the Power Query M Primer Series, an in-depth dive into the Power Query language, Ben Gribaudo is a seasoned architect, developer and data engineer.
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