Sometimes you may encounter annoying training content that forces you to watch a section before you can explicitly advance to the next one. Never understood why I have to do this or sit for long trainings altogether if I already know the answers and can pass the naive quizzes. Usually, a web button to continue gets enabled after you watch a video or after some time elapses.
With some investigative work and low-code JavaScript, you can easily “automate” the process to some extent, such as until it’s time for the quiz, as follows:
The trick is to find the id of the button and what makes it enabled/disabled. In the Edge browser, right click the “button” and then click Inspect. This will open the Dev Tools and you’ll will see the button HTML definition. You can right-click it on the HTML code and then click Copy OuterHTML to paste it in Notepad to inspect it. In my case, the element id is “button-next”. When the button is disabled, the app adds an attribute disabled as follows: <button … disabled=”” type=”button” id=”button-next”>…</button>
In the browser Dev Tools Console (F12), copy and paste the following JavaScript code, and then press Enter (note that you must execute allow pasting before you can copy and paste code for the first time as the Console will inform you):
function checkAndClick() {
const targetElement = document.getElementById('button-next'); // Get the element by ID
if (targetElement) { // Check if the element exists
if (!targetElement.hasAttribute('disabled')) { // Check if it does NOT have the 'disabled' attribute; // Simulate a click
console.log('Element clicked!');
} else {
console.log('Element is disabled.');
} else {
console.log('Element not found.');
// Set an interval to run the function every 2 seconds
const intervalId = setInterval(checkAndClick, 2000);
// clearInterval(intervalId); Disable the timer when no longer needed
This code watches every two seconds if the disabled attribute is removed from the button, in which case it “clicks” the button to advance the content. Hope this will save you precious time for more productive work. Happy training!
Some of the most difficult and tedious issues in almost every BI project are handling data quality issues (aka exceptions) and data enrichment. Examples of data quality issues typically originate from wrong data entries or violated business rules, such as misspelled and misclassified products. Data enrichment tasks may go beyond the design of the original data source, such as introducing new taxonomies for products or customers.
In a recent project, a client needed guidance on where to handle data quality and enrichment processes. Like cakes and ogres, a classic BI solution has layers. Starting upstream in the data pipeline and moving downstream are data sources, ODS (data staging and change data tracking), EDW (star schema) and semantic models.
In general, unless absolutely necessary, I’m against master data management (MDM) systems because of their complexity and cost. Instead, I believe that most data quality and enrichment tasks can be addressed efficiently without formal MDM. I’m also a big believer in tackling these issues as further upstream as possible, ideally in the data source.
Consider the following guidelines:
There are different types of exceptions and enrichment requirements, and they range in complexity and resolution domain. Each case must be triaged by the team to determine how to best handle it by examining the data pipeline upstream to downstream direction and traversing the layers.
As a best practice, exceptions and enrichments tasks should be dealt with as further upstream as possible because the further downstream the correction is made, the narrower its availability to consumers will be and more implementation effort might be required.
Data Source – examples include wrong entries, such as wrong employe’s job start date or adding custom fields to implement categories requires for standard hierarchies. The team should always start with the source system in attempt to address data quality issues at the source.
ODS – examples include corrections not possible in the upstream layers but necessary for other consumers besides EDW.
EDW – examples include corrections applicable only to analytics, such as IsAttendance flag to flag which attendance events should be evaluated.
Semantic layer – calculated columns for data enrichment best done in DAX and additional fields the end user needs in a composite model.
Shortcuts – When resolving the change upstream is time prohibitive, it should be permissible to handle the change further downstream while waiting for changes to an upstream system. For example, if fixing an issue in the data source is rather involved, a temporary fix can be done in ODS to prototype the change and expedite it to consumers. However, the team will remove that fix once the source system is enhanced.
When consumers prefer access to uncorrected data, a pair of fields could be introduced as upstream as possible, such as:
EmployeeId – raw field
EmployeeIdCorrected – corrected field. Joins to the related dimension table will be done on this field. - Teo Lachev - Teo Lachev2024-12-07 09:36:492024-12-07 09:36:49Handling Data Quality and Data Enrichment
“Where are the prophets, where are the visionaries, where are the poets To breach the dawn of the sentimental mercenary” “Fugazi”, Marillion
I’ve written in the past about the dangers of blindly following “modern” data architectures (see my posts “Are you modern yet?” and “Data Lakehouse: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”) but here we go again. Once upon a time, a large company hired a large Microsoft partner to solve a common and pervasive challenge. Left on their own, departments have set up their own data servers, thus creating data silos leading to data duplication and inconsistent results.
How did the large vendor attempt to solve these horrible issues? Modern Data Warehouse (MDM) architecture of course. Nothing wrong with it except that EDW and organizational semantic model(s) are missing and that most of the effort went into implementing the data lake medallion architecture where all the incoming data ended up staged as Parquet files. It didn’t matter that 99% of the data came from relational databases. Further, to solve a data change tracking requirement, the vendor decided to create a new file each time ETL runs. So even if nothing has changed in the source feed, the data is duplicated should one day the user wants to go back in time and see what the data looked like then. There are of course better ways to handle this that doesn’t even require ETL, such as SQL Server temporal tables, but I digress.
At least some cool heads prevailed and the Silver layer got implemented as a relational ODS to serve the needs of home-grown applications, so the apps didn’t have to deal with files. What about EDW and organizational semantic models? Not there because the project ran out of budget and time. I bet if that vendor got hired today, they would have gone straight for Fabric Lakehouse and Fabric premium pricing (nowadays Microsoft treats partners as an extension to its salesforce and requires them to meet certain revenue targets as I explain in “Dissolving Partnerships“), which alone would have produced the same outcome.
What did the vendor accomplish? Not much. Nor only didn’t the implementation address the main challenges, but it introduced new, such as overcomplicated ETL and redundant data staging. Although there might be good reasons for file staging (see the second blog above), in most cases I consider it a lunacy to stage perfect relational data to files, along the way losing metadata, complicating ETL, ending up serverless, and then reloading the same data into a relational database (ODS in this case).
I’ve heard that the vendor justified the lake effort by empowering data scientists to do ML one day. I’d argue that if that day ever comes, the likelihood (pun not intended) of data scientists working directly on the source schema would be infinitely small since more than likely they would require the input datasets to be shaped in a different way which would probably require another ETL pipeline altogether.
I don’t subject my clients to excessive file staging. My file staging litmus test is what’s the source data format. If I can connect to a server and get in a tabular (relational) format, I stage it directly to a relational database (ODS or DW). However, if it’s provided as files (downloaded or pushed, reference data, or unstructured data), then obviously there is no other way. That’s why we have lakes.
Fast forward a few years, and your humble correspondent got hired to assess the damage and come up with remediation. Data lakes won’t do it. Lakehouses and Delta Parquet (a poor attempt to recreate and replace relational databases) won’t do it. Fabric won’t do it and it’s too bad that Microsoft pushes Lakehouse while the main focus should be Fabric Data Warehouse, which unfortunately is not ready for prime time (but we have plenty of other options).
What will do it? Going back to the basics and embracing the “Discipline at the core, flexibility at edge” ideology (kudos to Microsoft for publishing their lessons learned). From a technology standpoint, the critical pieces are EDW and organizational semantic models. If you don’t have these, I’m sorry but you are not modern yet. In fact, you aren’t even classic, considering that they have been around for long, long time.
So, keep on implementing these medallion lakes to keep my consulting pipeline full. Drop a comment how they work for you.
One of trails my wife and I hiked today in the Acadia National Park was the Precipice Trail. This trail is considered one of the hardest trails in the United States. In fact, “hiking” is a misnomer as most of the ascent involves vertical rock climbing and pulling yourself up on iron rangs. Slipping and falling can surely result in a serious injury or death as there are no safety nets and there were such incidents in the past.
However, if you put yourself in the right mindset and prepare, you probably won’t find it that hard. In fact, we’ve found the descent more challenging than the ascent which we thought was exhilarating. And the Gulf of Main views were breathtaking!
How many ascents and views do we miss in life by not taking moderate risks?
I’ve been an independent consultant for almost 20 years and through most of this time, my company (Prologika) has been a Microsoft consultancy partner with Gold Data Analytics and Gold Data Platform competencies. Speaking of which, I’d like to thank all the wonderful people who have helped Prologika attain and maintain these competencies over the years by taking rigorous certification exams. I couldn’t have done it without you!
My simple definition of a consultant is an external expert whose services improve the client’s situation. Therefore, the most important criterion for measuring the consultant’s effectiveness is how much “lift” the client gets.
Effectiveness is rarely tangible because it’s difficult to measure. However, in the past, the second component (besides certifications) for maintaining the Microsoft partnership was providing customer references to Microsoft. I don’t think Microsoft ever called the customers but if they did, a simple question would have been “On the scale from to 1 to 10, how do you measure the Prologika’s intervention to improve the objective they were hired to do?” Or, “would you rehire or recommend Prologika?” That’s it, no fancy scores are necessary. Most often, the client is either happy or unhappy, although shades of gray might exist.
Fast forwarding to Microsoft modern partnership requirements and things have changed starting the beginning of this year where Microsoft introduced new criteria for measuring the effectiveness of their partners expressed as a “partner capability score” – “a holistic measurement framework which evaluates the partner on categories of performance, skilling and customer success”. Before we get to it, I find it sad that as a woke company positioned to defend minorities (see the Microsoft’s wokeness report), Microsoft has gone to great lengths to destroy its small-biz partner ecosystem over the years, including:
Favoring large “managed” partners.
Replacing the Microsoft Software Assurance consulting credits, where the client had the discretion how to spend and allocate, with revenue-centric Microsoft-managed funds which are almost impossible to get approved for, such as ECIF and PIE.
Replacing a designated Microsoft Partner Network point of contact with offshore outsourced service.
All the promises given and broken through years. Too many to mention here but it looks to me that every now and then some manager comes which a checklist of all great things Microsoft will do for partners and then all if forgotten or suffers a natural death.
Removing the Silver partner level.
Let’s now look at the new partner capability score for Data & AI, which spans three categories: performance, skilling, and customer success.
Performance – the partner must add up to 3 new customers every year. Apparently, Microsoft favors expansion of the customer base (more revenue) as opposed to doing recurring business to existing customers, which to me is by far a much better testimonial for effective services. But wait, there is a fine text explaining that not all customers are equal. “This is the number of unique customer tenants contributing at least $1000 ACR (Azure Consumed Revenue) in one of the last 2 months.” There we go. The emphasis is on selling more aggressively to customers.
Skilling – No surprises here. Microsoft wants a certain number of certified individuals. This is the only commonality with the old partner criteria.
Customer success – It quickly becomes evident that Microsoft equates “customer success” with revenue. Here we have two paths: number of deployments that depend on advanced Azure services represented in ACR (meaning expensive) and usage growth expressed as ACR growth across the customer base over the past 12 months.
There you have it. Microsoft now views partners as extension to their sales force that are pressured to sell and generate revenue to Microsoft. The more the partner sells, the better partner you are. Therefore, expect increased pressure from Microsoft partners to sell expensive products you probably don’t need, such as Power BI Premium or Fabric in the data analytics space.
The Microsoft VP who came up with this should have been fired on the spot. Gee, with all this focus on revenue, you might think that the partner gets some decent revenue cut, but that’s not the case. It doesn’t matter to me. I’m not making money from selling software and when I recommend a tool it’s always for the client’s best interest and my recommendation is usually very cost effective.
Given that my business values differ from the new Microsoft partnership values, I’m not planning to pursue further competency in the Microsoft partnership ecosystem. I’ll keep the hard earned and now retired Gold partner logo to remind me of what’s important. I’ll continue working with and recommending Microsoft products when it makes sense, such as when they are better from the competition, but without any strings attached.
I ranted many times about SaaS vendors preventing direct access to data in its native storage, which is typically a relational database. It’s sort of like going to a bank, handing them over your money, and they telling you that you can only get your money back in cash, in Bitcoin, in ₿100 bills but no more than ₿1,000 per withdrawal, or whatever madness suits the bank best. I wonder how long this bank will be in business. Yet, many companies just hand over the keys of the data kingdom to a SaaS vendor and they wonder how to get their “precious” back so they can build EDW and enable modern analytics. Since when direct access became an anathema perpetuated by mega software vendors, including Microsoft? I’ll repeat again that there are no engineering reasons to prevent direct access to your data, even if you must pay more to “isolate” you from other customers for security, performance, liability, or other “tradeoffs” for you choosing the SaaS path.
However, there are rays of sunshine here and there. In a recent integration project, I had to extract data from the InTempo ERP cloud software. Besides other integration options, InTempo supports ODBC access to their IBM Db2 database over VPN connectivity. Not only did InTempo give us direct access to the ERP data, but they also provided support services to help with the SQL queries. I couldn’t believe my luck. Finally, an enlightened vendor! On the downside, we had to send freeform SELECT statements down the wire from ADF while I personally would have preferred an option to package them in SQL views residing at the database, but I’d be pushing my luck.
Direct access to your data should be on top of your SaaS vendor selection criteria. TIP: if you hear “API” in any flavor (REST, ODATA, SOAP, etc.), run for the exit. I have nothing but horrible experience taking that path, even with Microsoft Dynamics APIs. “Data lake” is a tad better but still your best option is direct access to data in its native storage to avoid excessive integration effort and reduce data latency.
There has been a lot of noise surrounding a data lakehouse nowadays, so I felt the urge to chime in. In fact, the famous guy in cube, Patrick LeBlanc, gave a great presentation on this subject to our Atlanta Power BI Group and you can find the recording here (I have to admit we could have done better job with the recording quality, but we are still learning in the post-COVID era).
What is a Lakehouse?
According to Databricks which are credited with this term, a data lakehouse is “a new, open data management architecture that combines the flexibility, cost-efficiency, and scale of data lakes with the data management and ACID transactions of data warehouses, enabling business intelligence (BI) and machine learning (ML) on all data.” It other words, it’s a hybrid between a relational data warehouse and a data lake. Sounds great, right? Visualizing this in Microsoft parlor, the last incarnation of the lakehouse architecture that I came across looks like this:
The Good
I’m sure that many large companies or companies with complex data integration needs could benefit from a similar architecture. As I said many times, staging data to a lake is a good thing when you must deal with files. For example, some cloud vendor that hasn’t matured enough to give direct access to your data, could decide to push files instead (I described a similar scenario in this blog). A “network share” on steroids, the data lake is the best place to store files. A good question here and the one I personally struggled with would be “what if the data comes from relational databases or from REST APIs?” Should you stage that data in a data lake as files before it flows into the data warehouse? A wise consultant’s answer here would be “it depends”. Here are some good reasons when this might make sense.
Stage data first – For some, a large ISV company (see related newsletter here), had to integrate data from many databases with similar but not the same schema. They preferred to stage the data to a data lake and figure out the integration “mess” caused my schema discrepancies and data quality later.
A glorified archive – For example, in case you want to reload the data, you can do it from the lake in the case where the source systems truncate data. However, my personal preference to address this scenario would be to stage the data into a relational Operational Data Store (ODS), especially in the case where changes must be tracked. In a nutshell, if I’m given a choice between a file or relational database, I’d go with the latter.
Synapse – If you decide to host your data warehouse in a Synapse dedicated SQL pool and use Azure Data Factory (ADF) to load the data, ADF will stage the data to Azure Data Lake Service (ADLS) anyway to load it faster into Synapse. Another good thing for Synapse here is that you can use Synapse Serverless to query that data using SQL which might come handy (I share some “serverless” lessons learned here).
Data science – There are some good reasons why data scientists prefer files instead of loading the data from a relational database. Or so I was told (I’m not a data scientist).
Uniformity – If your organization prefers a uniform data flow path despite the additional effort, inconvenience, and redundancy, then this might make sense. Then despite the source data type (structured or unstructured), all data follows the same ingestion pipeline. Just make sure to hire more ETL developers.
Outside these considerations, when you can connect directly to the data source, staging data to files is probably overkill as files are notoriously difficult to deal with.
The Bad
Now let’s look at the so-called zones in the lake: raw, enriched and curated, sometimes also referenced as bronze, silver, and gold. The idea here is to enrich the staged data. So, the raw zone has the staged data 1:1 as in the source. Then let’s say a data scientist needs some enrichment, and we spin more ETL to add a bunch of columns to some file. And then Business needs to reference the data that might require more enrichment. So, into the ETL rabbit hole we go again.
The problem is that many people take this architecture verbatum, whether it makes sense or not. A question came from the audience during Patrick’s presentation “What data do we add to these zones?” How do we know when it’s time to move to the next zone? And the answer here is that these zones are just a recommendation that someone has come up with. A large organization might benefit from them. But in most cases in my opinion spinning more and more ETL and moving data around just so that you follow some vendor’s best practices, makes no sense. And should you stage the data 1:1 from the source? In some cases, like the Get Data First aforementioned scenario, it might make sense. But in most cases, it would be much more efficient to stage the data in the shape you need it, which may necessitate joining multiple tables at the source (by the way, a relational server is the best place to handle joins).
The omni-presence of Synapse in such architectural diagrams is questionable at least. As I stated in another newsletter, like a red giant star, Synapse seems to engulf everything in its path in order to increase its value potential. But Synapse shouldn’t be a default choice for most organizations. It’s rather expensive and has limitations, such as lacking important T-SQL features.
Finally, Spark/Databricks that orchestrates the data preparation with Python or some other custom code since all the toolset you get is a notebook with a blinking cursor. What happened to low code, no code approach? More ETL developers to the rescue…
The Ugly
The omnipresence of the delta lake regardless if it makes sense or not. I’m sure that some scenarios for staging changing data into a lake, such as IoT streaming, will benefit greatly from a delta lake. But it shouldn’t be a default recommendation. The moment we introduce a delta lake, our tool choice becomes rather restricted because of the file format. On ETL side of things, for example, you must use data flows with Azure Data Factory (I’d personally favor ELT over data flows). And to read the data, you must provision either a Spark cluster or Synapse Serverless. So, complexity increases together with cost while data accessibility decreases.
And if you go with Databricks (credited for inventing the delta lake too), they are far more ambitious . They want to replace RDBMs for OLAP (OLTP won’t work with a delta lake for performance reasons). We’ve seen similar claims before and how they ended. Another question came from the audience during the presentation was if a lakehouse can deliver the same performance as a relational database. One house must be redundant, right? True, after rewriting their software, Databricks can deliver some decent performance (they even claim to be the world’s fastest “data warehouse” although only one other vendor submitted results to that specific benchmark). James Serra (Data & AI Solution Architect at Microsoft), whose excellent blog discusses these topics in detail, recently gave our group a presentation and said that anyone he knows of that has tried replacing a relational data warehouse with a data lake, has failed. Enough said.
What’s a best practice? A best practice to me is adopting the most efficient way to achieve something without sacrificing too much flexibility for what might be thrown at you in the future. To me, a lakehouse as a replacement for a relational data warehouse or as a default staging area is as big of a hype as Big Data was, with all the vendor propaganda surrounding it to buy stuff you don’t need. Large organizations with complex integration needs might benefit from the lakehouse architecture shown above. However, most companies could save a lot of implementation, maintenance, and licensing costs by simplifying it and judicially introducing pieces when it makes sense. - Teo Lachev - Teo Lachev2023-02-08 17:11:322023-02-13 19:36:53Data Lakehouse: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Microsoft re-awarded me as a FastTrack Recognized Solution Architect – Power BI for 2022! This prestigious recognition is conferred by the Power Platform product engineering team for consistently exhibiting deep architecture expertise and creating high quality solutions for customers during project engagements. I’m one of the 36 individuals worldwide who met the following criteria:
Must have a minimum of 2 years of experience with Power BI and a minimum of 5 years of experience with Enterprise BI solutions
Must have a minimum of 2 years of experience as an Enterprise BI architect
Must be working for a partner with Gold certification in Data Analytics MPN competency
Must have been lead architect for at least 2 Power BI in-production implementations with at least 200 active users (Preferably for CAT managed customers)
Amazon started in 1994 as an online marketplace for books. You’d think that after being in this business for almost 30 years, they’ve figured out the book ecommerce inside out. Unfortunately, rapid revisions (I revise annually my Power BI book) break their model. Every new revision wreaks havoc in the customer experience to purchase a book and punishes the publisher. Here is what I’ve learned after having my books sold on Amazon for many years.
Amazon has a proprietary algorithm that decides what to show on the book detail page. My books are available in two formats: paperback and ebook (Kindle). When a customer lands on the book page, the natural expectation is that the Kindle tab would redirect to the ebook format and the Paperback tab would redirect to the paperback format of the same edition. Unfortunately, the publisher has no control over what the Paperback tab would eventually link to. For example, in the screenshot below, today the algorithm has decided that the customer would be more interested to purchase the 5th edition paperback (7th edition is currently the latest) for the modest price of $79.82 because it’s a vintage. Not to mention that the 5th edition has been long unpublished and only available from third-party sellers that should’ve been listed on the “Other Sellers” tab.
Every time a new revision is published, the book fights with itself. Despite the 7-year overall history and 75 reviews of my Power BI book, a new revision goes all the way back in the line, and its sales ranking starts from zero. Amazon doesn’t give any credit to prior revisions or reviews. And by the time the book has enough history to bubble up in the search results, it’s time for a new revision, and the cycle repeats itself.
I wrote this post mostly as an apology to my customers since there is nothing that be done to improve their Amazon book purchasing experience. The book is at the mercy of Amazon and its obsolete algorithms. - Teo Lachev - Teo Lachev2022-02-20 12:47:482022-02-20 12:47:48How Power BI Broke Amazon
I’m preparing for the new Azure Data Engineer exam, which is one of options to maintain a Gold Certification for Data Analytics for MS partners that has to be renewed annually. I’m really impressed by the Azure Learning Path self-paced environment that Microsoft put together. The training material is top-notch, and I actually learn some practical and useful stuff from the covered topics on ADLS, ADF, Synapse, etc. And you can even practice in an Azure sandbox environment that Microsoft sets up and tears down for you! It’s clear that tremendous effort has gone into setting this online and free learning option. No excuse to not certify anymore …