
Improve your Power BI skills – Five days left to register!

Call/email us if you have any questions about the class. Registration closes on January 31st.

Join Teo Lachev as he presents his online Applied Power BI class. Power BI is a Microsoft cloud-hosted BI platform that opens BI to everyone without reliance on IT. And most of it is free! This class is designed for business users and data analysts. You’ll learn:

  • What is Power BI and why it’ll disrupt the way you analyze your business.
  • How to get instant insights from cloud services, such as Google Analytics, Dynamics CRM Online, Salesforce, and many others.
  • How to create sophisticated self-service data models whose features are on a par with models built by BI pros.
  • How to clean and shape dirty data.
  • How to create insightful interactive reports and dashboards.
  • How to share BI content with other users and view it on mobile devices.

No travel, no hotel expenses, just 100% content delivered right to your desktop! Our intensive online classes teach you the skills to master Microsoft BI to its fullest. Use the opportunity to ask questions and learn best practices. 

Applied Power BI Training in February



NEW! Applied Power BI Online Training Class
Date: February 8 – February 9, 2016
Time: Noon – 4:00 pm EDT; 9 am – 1:00 pm PDT
Delivery: Online presentation with access to recorded content

8 hours for only $699
For more information or to register click here!

Solving the ACE Driver Bitness Madness

Scenario: You have installed Office 32-bit (I’m yet to see a company that installs 64-bit as IT loves default paths). Then, you install Power BI Desktop 64-bit. Upon trying to connect to some Office file, such as Access or Excel, you get a compatibility error. You try to install the 64-bit Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable but then you are greeted with “You have a 32-bit version of Office installed”.

Solution: Install the 64-bit Redistributable with the passive overwrite:

  1. Download the 64-bit Microsoft Access Database Engine redistributable.
  2. Open Command Prompt to the download location and execute the following command:
    AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe /passive

You can use a similar procedure to force the 32-bit driver if you have Office 64-bit.

Online Applied Power BI Class Forming


Your 2016 resolution: bring your data to life! Don’t know where to start? I can help wherever you are! The first online run of Applied Power BI class is scheduled for early February. No travel, no hotel expenses, just 100% content delivered right to your desktop! Our intensive online classes teach you the skills to master Microsoft BI to its fullest. Use the opportunity to ask questions and learn best practices.


NEW! Applied Power BI Online Training Class
Date: February 8 – February 9, 2016
Time: Noon – 4:00 pm EDT; 9 am – 1:00 pm PDT
Delivery: Online presentation with access to recorded content


For more information or to register click here!

Power BI is a Microsoft cloud-hosted BI platform that opens BI to everyone without reliance on IT. And most of it is free! This class is designed for business users and data analysts. You’ll learn:

  • What is Power BI and why it’ll disrupt the way you analyze your business.
  • How to get instant insights from cloud services, such as Google Analytics, Dynamics CRM Online, Salesforce, and many others.
  • How to create sophisticated self-service data models whose features are on a par with models built by BI pros.
  • How to clean and shape dirty data.
  • How to create insightful interactive reports and dashboards.
  • How to share BI content with other users and view it on mobile devices.


Getting Rid Of Custom Visuals

Scenario: You might have imported a custom visual in Power BI Desktop, tested it, and decided not to use it. However, even if your reports don’t use the visual anymore, Power BI will still prompt you if you want to enable custom visual with “This report contains a custom visual not provided by Microsoft…”. This is a security warning to avoid malicious code because custom visuals are deployed in Javascript.

Currently, there is no way in Power BI to disable this prompt. To make things worse, neither Power BI Service nor Power BI Desktop have a feature to get rid of the custom visual once it’s added to a Power BI Desktop file.

Solution: Here are the manual steps are followed to get rid of custom visuals in Power BI Desktop file for good:

  1. Copy the Power BI Desktop (*.pbix) file. Rename the file to have a zip extension, e.g. from Adventure Works.pbix to Adventure
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. In the uncompressed folder where you unzip the file content, navigate to the Report folder, and open the Layout file in your favorite text editor.
  4. At the top of the file content, find a resourcePackage string that includes the visual name (you could search for the name of the visual to locate it). For example, the resourcePackage element might look like this for the Sparkline visual:
  5. Carefully, delete this entire string but make sure that you don’t end up with two commas or you miss a comma after the deletion.
  6. While you’re in the uncompressed file content, delete also a folder that has the same name as the visual. Strictly speaking, this step is not needed to avoid the prompt but it’s a good idea to clean up all visual files so that you don’t distribute the visual Javascript source.
  7. Zip the entire content again. For some obscure reason, besides getting rid of the visual, in my case compressing the file reduce the PBI Desktop file size almost twice! This reduces the time to upload the visual to Power BI Service.
  8. Rename the file back to the original file name without the zip extension.

Now when you deploy the PBI Desktop file to Power BI and view its reports, you shouldn’t get prompted anymore.

Integrate SSRS 2016 Reports with Power BI

As I said in the “Microsoft Unveils BI Roadmap” blog, SSRS will play an important role of the on-premises BI portal. With this post, I’ll start covering the new SSRS 2016 features. One of the Power BI features announced at the PASS Summit was the forthcoming integration between SSRS 2016 and Power BI that will allow users to pin SSRS report items to Power BI dashboards. You can test pining reports items to Power BI with SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.0 and later. The newly released CTP 3.2 also features the new sleek SSRS portal (we’ve come a long way!). The items you can pin currently include charts, gauge panels, maps, and images. Pinning a report item takes a few clicks:

  1. Open the report and click the Power BI button (a new toolbar button in SSRS 2016). If this is the first time you do this, you’ll be asked to authenticate with Power BI and grant SSRS special permissions it needs for pinning. Then, SSRS switches to a special page mode that shows which items can be pinned.

  1. Click the tile you want to pin.
  2. In the “Pin to Power BI Dashboard” window, select the dashboard you want to pin the report to and the update frequency that specifies how often Power BI will query the report for data changes.

And, the report item is pinned to the dashboard as a regular tile. You can click the tile to navigate back to the SSRS report.

As you can see, Power BI is becoming a focal point for cloud hosting of the main MS report artifacts: Power BI reports, Excel reports, and SSRS reports.

The One and Only Power BI Book

To me, Power BI is the most exciting milestone in the Microsoft BI journey since circa 2005, when Microsoft got serious about BI. Power BI changes the way you gain insights from data; it brings you a cloud-hosted, business intelligence and analytics platform that democratizes and opens BI to everyone.

I’m happy to announce my latest (7th) book – Applied Microsoft Power BI. Currently, the one and only book on Power BI. Some people discouraged me to write this one. After all, trying to cover a product that changes every week is like trying to hit a moving target. However, I believe that the product’s fundamentals won’t change and once you grasp them, you can easily add on knowledge as Power BI evolves over time. Because I had to draw a line somewhere, “Applied Microsoft Power BI” covers all features that were announced at the PASS Summit 2015 and that were released by December 2015.

The book has four parts for each of the four user types: information worker, data analyst, pro, and developer. Information workers will learn how to connect to popular cloud services to derive instant insights, create interactive reports and dashboards, and view them in the browser and on the go. Data analysts will discover how to integrate and transform data from virtually everywhere, and then implement sophisticated self-service models. The book teaches BI and IT pros how to establish a trustworthy environment that promotes collaboration and how to implement Power BI-centric solutions for descriptive, real-time, and predictive analytics. Developers will find how to integrate custom applications with Power BI, embed reports, and implement custom visuals to present effectively any data.

The book is making its way slowly through the retail channels but it should be available on Amazon (in both paper and Kindle formats) and with other retailers before the holidays. I’ll drop a note and update the book page once the book is available for purchase. Meanwhile, visit the book page for more information about the book, source code, and a sample chapter (Chapter 1 “Introduction to Power BI”).

I predict that 2016 will be the year of Power BI and I hope that this book will help you bring your data to life!

Announcing Sparkline Visual

A sparkline is a miniature graph, typically drawn without axes or coordinates. Commonly used on dashboards, sparklines typically visualize trends over time, such as to show profit over the past several years. Although other Microsoft reporting tools, such as Excel and Reporting Services include sparkline elements, Power BI doesn’t have one. That is until now.

I contributed a “classic” sparkline custom visual to the Power BI Visuals Gallery. Once you import and add the sparkline to a report, you bind the sparkline to data using the Data tab of the Visualization pane. For example, you can aggregate a Freight field added the Value area over the CalendarQuarterDesc field added to the Category area. The resulting graph will sho how freight fluctuates over time. You can use any field to group the data, not just a field from the Date table.

The sparkline supports several formatting options. The General section lets you change the line color and width. The default properties are “steelblue” as a color and one pixel for the line width. The Animation section lets you turn on an animation effect that draws the line gradually from left to right (who says that Power BI visuals have be to static?) Although in general I advise against animations and other visual distractors in real-life reports, I wanted to emphasize the point that Power BI visuals can support anything clients-side JavaScript can do. The Duration setting controls how fast the line draws (the default setting is 1,000 milliseconds) and the Delay settings controls the interval between redraws (the default is 3,000 milliseconds). The sparkline supports also a tooltip. When you hover anywhere on the viewport, a tooltip pops up that shows the name of the field added to the Value area and the data point values.

The main limitation of the current implementation is that similar to the Power BI gauge visualization, it doesn’t render over multiple lines, such as for each product category on rows. Preferably, at some point Power BI would support a repeater control similar to the SSRS Tablix region. This would allow nesting the sparkline into other visualizations, such as a table, that will repeat the sparkline for each row. As Power BI stands now, the only way to implement this feature is to draw the visual for each value of the category field, which would require also drawing labels for the row categories. However, it doesn’t repeat on rows, the sparkline could be used to display multiple measures arranged either horizontally or vertically as the screenshot shows. Another limitation related to the previous I’ve just discussed is that it supports only a single field in the Category area and a single field in the Value area. In other words, the sparkline is limited to one measure and one group. Continuing on the list of limitations, the tooltip displays the same information irrespective where you hover on the sparkline viewport as opposed to showing just the value of the data point behind the cursor.

I hope you’ll find my sparkline useful not only for your real-life projects but also for learning how to implement custom visuals.

Power BI Embedded Dashboards Without Authentication UI

UPDATE: An updated sample is included in the Chapter 12 source code of my “Applied Power BI” book.

One of the biggest Power BI strengths is its open architecture. In addition to opening the visualization framework, Power BI introduced REST APIs that let developers embed dashboard tiles in custom web applications (embedded reports will probably follow soon). Microsoft provided a sample application (Integrate-a-tile-into-an-app) on GitHub to demonstrate how dashboard tile embedding works. This application navigates the user to an authentication UI where the user signs it to Power BI before the application can access the user content. However, there are plenty of embedded reporting scenarios where this isn’t desirable. For example, you might have a web application that already authenticates users with Forms Authentication and you don’t want to ask the user to log in to Power BI again. Instead, you might want to pass the identity of the authenticated user to Power BI. In the more advanced (but increasingly common) scenario, you would want Power BI to pass the user identity all the way to an on premises Analysis Services model so that data security works.

The bad news is that currently Power BI doesn’t support custom security. Custom security is on the roadmap but currently you can’t pass application users to Power BI. This isn’t as bad as it sounds. For example, if you have a limited number of users or external customers, you can register them in Power BI so that you know their Power BI usernames and passwords. For example, if my company does business with Acme1 and Acme2, I could register and with PowerBI. Then, once the acme1 user authenticates with my web application and request a dashboard, I can authenticate the user with to Power BI.

The good news is that Power BI supports OAuth2 for security. OAuth2 is a very flexible security mechanism and it supports different flows via the grant_type parameter. One of the flows that it supports is the grant_type=password flow that allows you to avoid the Power BI authentication UI step if you know the user credentials. This is conceptually similar to how Basic Authentication works. The OAuth2 grant_type=password scenario is also referred to as two-leg authentication (the three-leg authentication is when the Authentication UI is involved).

To demonstrate this, I’ve made changes to the Microsoft sample app and uploaded the modified sample (attached to this blog). Configure it in Visual Studio as follows:

  1. In the application settings, change the ClientSecret, ClientID, UserName, and Password to match your setup. You obtain ClientID and ClientSecret when you register the application with Azure AD. The username and password must match the credentials of a registered Power BI user.
  2. In the application Build tab, make sure that the NOLOGIN conditional symbol exists.
  3. Right-click on the project and then click Manage NuGet packages. Download and install all referenced packages as they are not packaged with the sample to reduce size.
  4. Run the application. The “Sign in to Power BI” button should be disabled. When you click Get Dashboards, the app should be able to retrieve the dashboards on behalf of the Power BI user. From this point on, the app works as per the original sample. Again, the big difference is that the Authentication UI is not shown because you don’t need to collect the user credential.

Special thanks to the Power BI Team and Rui Quintino by DevScope for sharing insights. For more information about how APIs for embedded dashboard tiles work, read the “Power BI API updates roundup” blog by Lukasz Pawlowski.

In summary, the sample demonstrates how you can use OAuth2 two-leg flow to avoid authenticating the user twice and redirecting to the Power BI authentication dialog. As a disclaimer, this is not a production-ready sample (there are hardcoded links, no error handling, no refresh token flow, etc.).

Power BI Report Embedding on the Horizon

For years I’ve been harassing Microsoft to support embedding interactive reports connected to SSAS on custom apps. This feature has been sorely missing in the Microsoft BI stack. Yet, it’s a must-have feature that enables a wide range of integration scenarios, such as customer-facing reporting. Imagine your customers being able to ask natural questions for data exploration. This is a killer feature!

It looks like Power BI might finally bring some relief. I while back, I posted an Embedding Reporting feature wish on the Power BI discussion list. It now has 643 votes and it’s one of the most voted for features. Recently, when asked to provide feedback, I communicated to Microsoft how I envision report embedding to work:

  1. Developers must have the ability to embed reports/dashboards in applications. This should be conceptually similar to how they can do this now with ReportViewer. However, instead of an ASP.NET control, I’d imagine REST APIs with jQuery.
  2. The tricky part is security. It is paramount to be able to pass the user identity to on-premises SSAS models. Ideally, we don’t want to ask external users to register in Power BI. Instead, some kind of bulk licensing needs to be supported to allow requests to Power BI to go under a single trusted account but yet pass the user identity to SSAS.
  3. In a nutshell, the external user goes to the customer website and he’s authenticated using whatever authentication mechanism the app uses. Then, a call is made to Power BI to authenticate using a trusted account. When the user requests a report, the call must allow somehow passing the user identity. And, then this identity needs to flow to SSAS. Previously, to achieve this scenario and circumvent the SSAS limitation of supporting Windows security only, developers would add a CustomData connection string to the SSAS connection so that SSAS can use it for row-level security.

Recently, Lukasz Pawlowski (a Senior Product Manager formerly on the SSRS team and now heading the Power BI APIs) responded:

“Quick update here. While it’s not report embedding, we just announced a preview of an API to integrate dashboard tiles into applications. Read about it on the Power BI Developer blog”

So, it looks like the first wave of the embedding APIs has arrived. While it’s not what we need, I think we can expect full-featured embedding to arrive soon.

Applied Power BI Service Class Available

I’m happy to announce the availability of my latest training course – Applied Power BI Service. I believe that the new version of Power BI, known as Power BI Service or Power BI 2.0, is going to be very successful and it should warrant your serious interest. This one to two-day class is designed to help you become proficient with the Power BI Service and acquire the necessary skills to work with online and on-prem data, implement data models on a par with professional models created by BI pros, unlock the power of data by creating interactive reports and dashboards, and share insights with other users. No prior data modeling or reporting knowledge is assumed. Students are welcome to bring their own data to the second day of the class.