Disabling Foreign Key Constraints

Disabling check constraints, such as foreign key constraints, is often required when populating a data warehouse. For example, you might want to disable a check constraint to speed up loading of a fact table.

  1. How do we disable check constraints in SQL Server?
    You can script each check constraint or you can use the undocumented sp_MSforeachtable function.

    CONSTRAINT [FK_DIM_DATE_FACT_ITEM_INVENTORY_Date_Id] — disables a specific contraint

    ‘ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL’ — disables all contraints in the database

    Once the foreign keys are disabled, you can run the ETL job or delete records from the referenced table without referential integrity checks. Note that you cannot truncate a table even if you have disabled the constraints due to the different way SQL Server logs the truncate operation. You must drop the constraints if you want to truncate a table. You can use sp_MSforeachtable to drop constraints as well although I personally prefer to disable them for a reason that will become obvious in a moment.

  2. How do we enable check constraints?

The same way you disabled them but this time you use the CHECK predicate:

CONSTRAINT [FK_DIM_DATE_FACT_ITEM_INVENTORY_Date_Id] — enables a specific constraint

‘ALTER TABLE ? CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL’ — enables all contraints in the database

  1. Does SQL Server verify referential integrity for existing data when you re-enable check constraints?

    This is where the behavior differs between recreating and enabling constraints. If you drop and create the constraints, the server will check the data unless WITH NOCHECK is used.


    KEY([Date_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DIM_DATE] ([Date_Id])

    The server doesn’t check existing data if you enable a previously disabled constraint. You can manually check foreign key violations by using this command:

    checkconstraints(FACT_ITEM_INVENTORY) –- checks a specific table

    checkconstraints — checks the entire database

The checkconstraints command will output all rows that violate constraints.

UPDATE 10/31/2011

Reader Ian pointed out that re-enabling foreign key constraints without checking data marks them as non-trusted. Consequently, the SQL Server optimizer may choose different execution plans for a certain range of queries. Tibor Karaszi explains this in more details in his blog Non-trusted constraints and performance. Paul White also mentions about a bug in this area. This makes me believe that enabling check constraints without checking data should be avoided. Therefore, to speed up fact table imports for large dataset consider:

  1. Disable foreign key constraints
  2. Drop indexes on fact tables
  3. Import data
  4. Recreate indexes on fact tables
  5. Re-enable constraints with the WITH CHECK option


‘ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL’ — enables all constraints in the database

Power View Automatic Metadata Filtering

Similar to Report Builder models (now obsolete), Power View (formerly known as Crescent) filters metadata automatically. The reasoning behind this feature is that the tool should guide the user to choose only tables that are related to the ones used on the report to avoid Cartesian joins. For example, if the user has selected Sales Amount from the Reseller Sales table, Power Pivot automatically disables Currency and Geography tables because they are not related to the Reseller Sales table. The Metadata pane shows these tables greyed out and the user cannot choose a column from these tables.


As useful as this feature is, it can get in the way for the same reasons the Report Builder metadata filtering didn’t work so well with multidimensional cubes. Marco Russo has already reported an issue that this feature ignores M2M calculations in the model. I believe this will be even a bigger issue one day when Power View supports multidimensional cubes because there are scenarios where dimensions are not directly related to a fact table but still can be used for slicing, such as a shim dimension for time calculations that is populated with scope assignments.

If you agree, please vote for the suggestion I’ve submitted on connect. Ideally, there should be a visual indicator that a table is not related but the user should still be able to select a column. Or, the modeler should be able to overwrite this behavior per table.

BISM Tabular Dynamic Data Security Over Bridge Table

About four years ago, in my article Protect UDM with Dimension Data Security, I introduced an approach to secure dimension data in multidimensional cubes by using a factless bridge table. Since then, many BI practitioners have favored this approach because of its simplicity, reusability (transactional reports can join to the security table), and performance. Now that organizational tabular projects support data security, I wanted to try it with BISM Tabular. As it turned out, the factless bridge table approach worked out just fine.

Suppose that you’ve build a tabular project on top of the Adventure Works DW database and the SecurityResellerFilter table is the bridge table that stores the resellers that an employee is authorized to view. As shown in the diagram, SecurityResellerFilter has two relationships SecurityResellerFilter[EmployeeKey] and Employee[EmployeeKey] and SecurityResellerFilter[ResellerKey] and Employee[ResellerKey]. You’d probably want to hide the SecurityResellerFilter table so the end users can’t browse it.


Given this model, implementing a dynamic data security over SecurityResellerFilter requires setting up a new role (click the Roles button in the Analysis Services toolbar) that uses a row filter.


A row filter defines a filter expression that evaluates which rows the role is allowed to see. To set up a row filter in the Role Manager, enter a DAX expression next to the table name. The DAX expression must be a Boolean expression that returns TRUE or FALSE. The Adventure Works role uses the following DAX expression for the row filter on the Employee table:

=CONTAINS(RELATEDTABLE(SecurityResellerFilter), SecurityResellerFilter[EmployeeKey], LOOKUPVALUE(Employee[EmployeeKey], Employee[LoginID], USERNAME()))

The LOOKUPVALUE function is used to obtain the employee key associated with employee’s Windows login which we get from the Username function. Because the row filter is set on the Reseller table, for each reseller the CONTAINS function attempts to find a match for the combination of the reseller key and the employee key. Notice the user of the RELATEDTABLE function to pass the current reseller. The net effect is that the CONTAINS function returns TRUE if there is a row in the SecurityResellerFilter table that matches the ResellerKey and EmployeeKey combination.

You can use the Analyze in Excel feature (click the Analyze in Excel button in the Analysis Services toolbar) to test the security changes. To verify that the user has access only to resellers the user is authorized to see, add the ResellerName field from the Reseller table in the Column Labels zone.



The report should show on columns only the resellers that are associated with the interactive user in the SecurityResellerFilter table.

Rendering Reports in Chrome and Safari

A client complained that Reporting Services ReportViewer doesn’t render reports in Google Chrome or Apple Safari browsers. The magic property to apparently fix this issue was SizeToReportContent=”True”

ID=”reportViewer” runat=”server” Height=”100%” Width=”100%”


Here is a link to Microsoft’s official stand on the browser support for Reporting Services. A couple of notes:

  1. Currently Microsoft doesn’t support report rendering in Chrome but are re-visiting the browser support matrix periodically.
  2. Report Manager doesn’t work in Safari or Firefox. Report Manager supports IE only. However, report rendering by URL or ReportViewer should work with the above change.

Specifying a Default Report Name on Export with ReportViewer

Normally, when you export a report, the Save As dialog box will default to the report name. However, if you the SSRS LoadReportDefinition API and view the report in the ReportViewer, you’ll find that when you export the report it will default the name to a system generated name, such as Report(N).pdf. That’s because LoadReportDefinition creates a transient report on the server that doesn’t have a name. However, the ReportViewer LocalReport and ServerReport objects support a DisplayName property that can be used to specify a custom report name, such as:

reportViewer.ServerReport.DisplayName = “My Report”;

// the following lines are for reference only

reportViewer.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ProcessingMode.Remote;

reportViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new

SQL Server DENALI CTP3 Demo VHD Available

Microsoft just released a Hyper-V image of SQL Server Denali CTP3 in action, including fully configured services and integration with SharePoint 2010 and Office 2010. The following software is configured on the virtual machine:

• SQL Server “Denali” CTP3

• SharePoint 2010

• Office 2010

CTP3 Issues with PowerPivot Management Dashboard

I ran into a couple of snags with the PowerPivot Management Dashboard and CTP3 of Denali. In this case, I’ve installed PowerPivot for SharePoint on a standalone domain controller.

  1. The Actions web part of the PowerPivot Management Dashboard refuses to load with the following exception logged in the SharePoint URL log ” Unable to acquire information about the NT group ‘Enterprise Admins'”
    Resolution: This is a known issue that will be fixed in RTM. The workaround is to (1) delete any accounts that display their SIDs, i.e. they were part of a domain that is no longer valid, and (2) to delete any universal or enterprise groups
    Connect item: https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/685945/system-exception-unable-to-acquire-information-about-the-nt-group-enterprise-admins
  2. The dashboard doesn’t display any data although usage data is collected. This is caused by the fact that the PowerPivot system account doesn’t have rights to the PowerPivot SQL database and the timer job fails. The SQL Profiler shows the following error “The SELECT permission was denied on the object ‘vHealth’, database ‘DefaultPowerPivotServiceApplicationDB’, schema ‘Usage’. An error occurred while processing the ‘Health’ table.”
    Resolution: Grant the PowerPivot system account rights to all tables and views in the PowerPivot database
    Connect item: https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/685955/no-data-in-powerpivot-management-dashboard-due-to-insufficient-rights


Reporting Services "Denali" Brings Export to Excel 2007

One welcome improvement in the forthcoming “Denali” release of Reporting Services is exporting to Excel 2007 (*.xlsx) file formats. I bet many companies will upgrade just to get this feature. In fact, the default rendering option when you export to Excel is to xlsx. The old Excel 2003 renderer is still there but it’s hidden by default. And, yes, BI projects now integrate with Visual Studio 2010!

For more details about Excel 2007 rendering, please read the Exporting to Microsoft Excel (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS) topic in BOL.



Reporting Services SharePoint Integration in SQL Server Denali

A week ago, I raved about how the new PowerPivot Configuration Tool would simplify configuring PowerPivot for SharePoint. Guess what? Setting up Reporting Services for SharePoint integrated mode got simplified too! In SQL Server Denali, Reporting Services leverages the SharePoint service application infrastructure and it doesn’t require installing a Reporting Services server. Not only this simplifies setup but improves performance because there is no round-tripping between SharePoint and report server anymore. Configuring Reporting Services for SharePoint integration mode is a simple process that requires the following steps:

  1. Run the SQL Server Denali CTP3 setup and Install Reporting Services and the add-in on the SharePoint application server.081411_2142_ReportingSe1
  2. Once the bits are installed, open SharePoint Central Administration, and click Manage Service Applications. Expand the New button and click SQL Server Reporting Services Service application.081411_2142_ReportingSe2
  3. In the page that follows, configure the service application details as per your specific environment and click OK.081411_2142_ReportingSe3
  4. As with the previous releases, one more step is required to enable the SSRS content types in a given document library.

    a) Go to the document library settings page and click Advanced Settings. In the Advanced Settings page, select Yes for the Allow management of content types?


    b) Back to the document library settings page, click the Add from Existing Site Content Types link.
    c) In the Add Content Types page, add BISM Connection File (assuming PowerPivot for SharePoint is configured), and the Report Builder content types.


Voila! Once this is done, you can create Crescent reports. You just need to create a BISM Connection File that points to a PowerPivot model or BISM Tabular model.


Transactional Reporting with BISM Tabular

Continuing on BISM Tabular performance (see my Cube vs. VertiPaq Query Performance blog), I was disappointed to find that there are no performance improvements in PowerPivot/BISM Tabular in CTP3 in the area of detailed (transactional-level) reporting which has plagued me since the R2 release. Consider the following report build on top of an Adventure Works PowerPivot model.

This report shows all Adventure Works customers and their order information by combining data from the Customer (18,000 rows) and InternetSales (60,000 rows) tables. Specifically, the report includes two columns from the Customer table and four columns from the InternetSales table. The report has a slicer to let the user filter a customer. Given that PowerPivot is an end-user tool it’s likely that end users would build such reports.

Unfortunately, each time you click the slicer or filter a column, the report query takes about ten minutes (!) to execute. One would surely expect better performance from the “engine of the devil”. To be fair to VertiPaq, Excel OLAP PivotTable is designed for summarized reports and not transactional reports. I am not excluding the possibility of a bug in the VertiPaq engine because a similar report connected to the Adventure Works cube takes milliseconds to execute. Here is the MDX statement generated by PowerPivot report when I filter on Aaron:

SELECT {[Measures].[Sum of OrderQuantity 2],[Measures].[Sum of SalesAmount 2]} DIMENSION PROPERTIES PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME,HIERARCHY_UNIQUE_NAME ON COLUMNS , NON EMPTY Hierarchize(DrilldownMember(DrilldownMember(DrilldownMember(CrossJoin({[Customer].[FirstName].[All],[Customer].[FirstName].[FirstName].AllMembers}, {([Customer].[LastName].[All],[InternetSales].[SalesOrderNumber].[All],[InternetSales].[SalesOrderLineNumber].[All])}), [Customer].[FirstName].[FirstName].AllMembers, [Customer].[LastName]), [Customer].[LastName].[LastName].AllMembers, [InternetSales].[SalesOrderNumber]), [InternetSales].[SalesOrderNumber].[SalesOrderNumber].AllMembers, [InternetSales].[SalesOrderLineNumber])) DIMENSION PROPERTIES PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME,HIERARCHY_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM (SELECT ({[Customer].[FirstName].&[Aaron]}) ON COLUMNS FROM [Sandbox]) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, LANGUAGE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FONT_FLAGS

We would probably need to wait for the next version of Office to fix this performance issue at its core. Meanwhile, avoid Excel pivot reports and consider Crescent for detail-level reporting. Crescent generates native DAX queries and I verified that detail-level reporting is efficient.

Please vote for the connect feedback I’ve submitted on this subject.

UPDATE 8/14/2011

The slowdown is caused by the subselects added to the MDX query when applying a slicer or column filtering. Specifically, when the query requests calculations, the server applies Autoexists before doing NON EMPTY which could be rather expensive over a large space. Filtering on a field added to the Report Filter zone is very fast because the query uses a WHERE clause.