
  • Prologika Newsletter Fall 2022  (Power BI Datamarts: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly)

    September 17, 2022

    BI implementation shortcuts are tempting and disguise themselves as cost-effective. True, you can slap a Power BI dataset on top of your data (the cornerstone of self-service BI), but most BI implementations will greatly benefit from a datamart, irrespective of...

  • Prologika Newsletter Summer 2022  (Hosting Semantic Models to AAS)

    June 12, 2022

    The workhorse of any modern BI solution is the semantic model that provides unparallel performance and contains business logic and security roles. Microsoft BI gives us three options to host semantic model: SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Azure Analysis Services...

  • Prologika Newsletter Spring 2022  (Data Integration Options with Cloud Providers)

    March 13, 2022

    Nowadays, it’s unlikely to envision a data analytics solution without ingesting data from some cloud vendor. Unfortunately, as many of you have found out the hard way, moving to the cloud, such as moving your on-prem ERP system to the...

  • Prologika Newsletter Winter 2021  (Virtualizating Data with PolyBase)

    December 20, 2021

    Happy Holidays! More and more organizations consider data virtualization to abstract the underlying storage and integrate siloed sources. In this letter, I'll discuss a real-life project that used PolyBase to expose third-party ERP data as SQL tables. Before I get...

  • Prologika Newsletter Fall 2021  (The US Largest Laboratory Network Gets Consolidated Reporting)

    September 11, 2021

    LabCorp operates one of the largest clinical laboratory networks in the world. It also has an Interactive Response Technology system that healthcare vendors can use to conduct case studies.  Thanks to the cloud data analytics solution implemented by Prologika, LabCorp...

  • Prologika Newsletter Summer 2021  (First Look at Power BI Goals)

    June 19, 2021

    Business Performance Management (BPM) is a methodology to help the company predict its performance. An integral part of a BPM strategy is creating and monitoring a scorecard with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). In this newsletter, I’ll discuss how the newly...

  • Prologika Newsletter Spring 2021  (State Health Department Gains Reliable and Rapid Insights)

    March 13, 2021

    Amidst the COVID pandemic, the Houston Health Department (HHD) had another predicament to tackle. With lab results accumulating rapidly at one million cases per month, the vendor system they used for capturing and analyzing COVID data couldn't keep up. In...

  • Prologika Newsletter Winter 2020  (Extending Semantic Models)

    December 17, 2020

    I hope you're enjoying the holidays. In this newsletter, I'll discuss a very important enhancement to Power BI that lets business users extend semantic models. But before I get to it, a quick announcement. I'm putting the finishing touches of...

  • Prologika Newsletter Fall 2020  (Azure Synapse Analytics)

    September 18, 2020

    Cloud deployments are the norm nowadays for new software projects, including BI. And Azure Synapse Analytics shows a great potential for modern cloud-based data analytics platform. Here are some high-level pros and cons to keep in mind for implementing Azure...

  • Prologika Newsletter Summer 2020  (Analyzing Teams Utilization)

    June 11, 2020

    More and more organizations are switching to Microsoft Teams mostly for online meetings. However, Microsoft Teams can deliver much more than that and it will be unjust to compare it with other popular meetings apps. In this newsletter you'll learn...