Prologika Newsletter Fall 2022

BI implementation shortcuts are tempting and disguise themselves as cost-effective. True, you can slap a Power BI dataset on top of your data (the cornerstone of self-service BI), but most BI implementations will greatly benefit from a datamart, irrespective of the propaganda of self-service BI vendors. I explain the benefits of datamarts vs Power BI datasets directly on data sources in my blog “Datasets vs. Datamarts”. This newsletter discusses a newly released Power BI feature that attempts to simplify the implementation of datamarts by business users.


Understanding Datamarts

Let’s define a datamart as a centralized repository for hosting clean and trusted data that is typically organized in a star schema, i.e. as a set of fact tables and dimension (lookup) tables. BI pros would typically host a datamart in a relational database. Nowadays, a cloud-based datamart, such as a datamart hosted in Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, or Azure Synapse, is the norm. Once the datamart schema is designed, a BI pro would use a professional tool, such as Azure Data Factory (ADF) to load the datamart periodically, such as once every night.

As Microsoft announced here, Power BI datamarts are mean to democratize datamart implementations by business users. In my opinion, this is yet another premium feature, spearheaded with great vision and effort, but questionable practical value. In a nutshell, a Power BI datamart is a combo of Power BI Premium and a Microsoft-hosted Azure SQL Database aiming to simplify the implementation of a departmental datamart.

The Good

Unlike other vendors, such as Domo and their proprietary and overly expensive stack, Microsoft has decided to go with somewhat open solution consisting of tools that Power BI users already know: Power Query, Power BI Desktop (for the first time some of its modeling features, such as relationships and DAX measures, made it to the cloud), and SQL Server. Microsoft provisions the database for you although surrounds it with some red tape (more on this in a moment). Thus, a business users aiming for “no code, low code” experience will whip out Power Query dataflows that populate the database and then build a model (dataset) directly in Power BI Service. Obviously, the main goal is to simplify the experience as much as possible where all the action happens online.

It’s nice that Microsoft chose hosting the data in a SQL database instead of a “lakehouse”. Apparently, they learned some painful lessons from Power Query CDM folders. The database size is up to 100 GB which is not bad at all. I also like that some Power BI modeling features finally made it to Power BI Service, but unfortunately only in the confines of the datamart feature.

The screenshot below shows how a business user can use Power Query dataflow to transform and save the data into a Power BI datamart.

The Bad

From the announcement, “Best of all, IT doesn’t have to worry about getting all data into centrally governed data sources, thus providing discipline at the core and flexibility at the edge.” I failed to see how this will provide “discipline at the core” – a tenant that Microsoft learned from their own pain points after tilting too much toward self-service BI. I’ve also seen statements online that business users don’t have to “consult with IT anymore” when implementing datamarts. Really? What happened to managed self-service BI? I’m sure IT will be thrilled having corporate data in Microsoft-owned databases that they can’t manage and queries running amuck and consuming precious premium resources. Luckily, the admin portal has a switch to control who can create these datamarts. I hope at least we have a BYO (bring your own) database feature at some point.

The elastic Azure SQL database that Microsoft provisions is read-only, meaning that you can’t extend it. I’m a big fan of pushing calculations as much upstream as possible to SQL Server, such as by implementing SQL views, but we can’t do that. Instead, we would use Power Query (what else of course) for all data transforms. But I have serious reservations against Power Query dataflows – a tool that is known to cause performance issues without providing any troubleshooting and maintenance insights.

The Ugly

Do we really need this feature? I would argue that what was really needed was extending Power Query with “destinations” where the user can specify where the data would land. If that was implemented, IT could selectively let business users augment the infrastructure set up by IT with self-service ETL (more than likely temporary) that sinks the data into an IT-sanctioned database.

Further, it would have gotten us out of another proprietary mess that forces dataflows to save their output into CDM folders that make sense only to Microsoft (see my “Power BI Dataflows vs ADF Mapping Data Flows” blog for the gory details). Want to save dataflow data somewhere else? For now, you must use Power BI datamarts because this is the only way you can have your data in a (Microsoft-provided) relational database and nowhere else.


Recently, an enterprise client decided to migrate all self-service Alteryx flows to IT-governed ADF pipelines. More than likely, Power BI datamarts will be heading in that direction. Be very careful about any pure self-service features, as you might find yourself in a bigger mess that you tried to solve.

Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data

Prologika Newsletter Summer 2022

The workhorse of any modern BI solution is the semantic model that provides unparallel performance and contains business logic and security roles. Microsoft BI gives us three options to host semantic model: SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Azure Analysis Services (AAS), and Power BI.  This newsletter explains why it might be beneficial to consider AAS and includes a script for automating resuming, processing, and synchronizing a model hosted on AAS.

Why Azure Analysis Services?

Microsoft BI practitioners have three options for hosting semantic models: SSAS (on prem), Azure Analysis Services (cloud), and Power BI (cloud). AAS is somewhat caught between a rock and a hard place. Given that Power BI gets the most attention for cloud deployment, why would you consider AAS at all? There are two main reasons:

  1. Cost – Organizational semantic models might require a lot of memory and crunching power. Hosting them on AAS might be more cost effective. For example, AAS S4 runs at around $5,000 which at the same price point as Power BI Premium P1. However, it gives you 100 GB of RAM and 20 cores, whereas P1 has only 25 GB and 8 cores.
  2. Scaling out – A feature unique to AAS is ability to scale out to multiple query replicas. This is not an option with Power BI Premium, and it requires quite a bit of setup with SSAS. However, AAS makes scaling out easy by just changing a slider. And once you’re done, you can pause it, so it doesn’t incur cost!

Automating the solution

Scaling out proved to be a useful feature lately when a client wanted to process massive queries in parallel. We cloned the model to AAS and wrote an ETL job to parallelize the query execution.

Note that the number of replicas depends on the data region and pricing level. For example, only East US 2 and West US support up to 7 query replicas up to S4. Another thing to watch for is that it’s not enough to just process the model on a scale-out farm. You’d need also to synchronize it across the query replicas. This could be done manually in the Azure Portal or automated, such by using the PowerShell script below that you can plug in a SQL Agent job. The script uses a regular AAD account which has admin rights to the server. You can also use a service principal, but I opted for a regular account because Microsoft removed the option for no expiration date for the client secret (the maximum lifetime of a client secret now is two years).

Import-Module Az.AnalysisServices
$password = "<account password>" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$username = "craas@<domain>.com"
$aasendpoint = "asazure://"
$aasendpointmgmt = "asazure://"
$TenantId = "<tenant id>"
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$password)
$defaultProfile = Connect-AzAccount -Credential $credential -Tenant $TenantId

Set-AzContext -Tenant $TenantId -DefaultProfile $defaultProfile
$server = Get-AzAnalysisServicesServer -ResourceGroupName "crliveaas_rg" -Name "crliveaas1" -DefaultProfile $defaultProfile
if ($server.State -eq "Paused")
    Resume-AzAnalysisServicesServer -Name "crliveaas1" -ResourceGroupName "crliveaas_rg"  
    #process database; ClearValues removes the data to reduce the memory footprint
    Invoke-ProcessASDatabase -Server $aasendpointmgmt -DatabaseName "<databasename>" -RefreshType "ClearValues" -Credential $credential
    Invoke-ProcessASDatabase -Server $aasendpointmgmt -DatabaseName "<databasename>" -RefreshType "Full" -Credential $credential

    # sync database
    Add-AzAnalysisServicesAccount  -Credential:$credential -RolloutEnvironment:""
    Sync-AzAnalysisServicesInstance -Instance $aasendpointmgmt -Database "<databasename>" -PassThru


When it comes to cloud deployment of Analysis Services semantic models, Power BI is preferable because you’re always on the latest features. However, Azure Analysis Services can help you reduce cost and scale out query execution – feature that Power BI doesn’t support.

Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data
Microsoft Partner | Gold Data Analytics


Prologika Newsletter Spring 2022

Nowadays, it’s unlikely to envision a data analytics solution without ingesting data from some cloud vendor. Unfortunately, as many of you have found out the hard way, moving to the cloud, such as moving your on-prem ERP system to the vendor’s cloud offering, comes at a huge burden – you relinquish control to the vendor and lose access to your data. In this letter, I’ll present several options for extracting your data out of the vendor’s realm.

I previously ranted here about cloud prohibitors – cloud providers that negate the benefits of moving to the cloud by enforcing all sorts of hoops to get to your data. This blog summarizes a few data integration options with cloud vendors that I’ve used in my projects, ranked from best to worst

Direct access to the database

This is by far your best option. If the provider allows you to access the data by directly connecting to its native storage, you should take it even if it involves higher fees, such as upgrading to a “premium” tier (a travesty considering that you didn’t have pay higher fees with their on-prem installations). There are no insurmountable engineering barriers for the vendor to provide direct access to the data in its native storage, but very few cloud vendors do it citing “issues”, such as security, impact on operational processes, etc. Here is a free piece of advice to cloud vendors: provide direct access to the underlying relational database and use this as a big differentiator against the competition. Security and performance should be on you and not the customer.

Data staging

If the direct access is not an option, the second best would be for the vendor to stage the data out, ideally to a relational database you provision, such as by using the Dynamics Data Export add-in to export data from Dynamics Online (now regretfully deprecated by Microsoft in favor of staging to data lake). Unfortunately, it looks like the norm nowadays is to export to a data lake as flat files and the extraction path becomes relational database -> flat files -> relational database. I hope that makes sense to you because it doesn’t to me. Things to watch out here for are where is the data lake located (Azure, AWS, others) and what integration options are provided. For example, only major ERP vendor supports only S3 as a data lake and provides and a JDBC driver to connect it (JDBC is a Java-based connector that can’t be used by any Microsoft-based integration tool.

Data push as flat files

Smaller and more flexible cloud providers might be willing to push the data to a storage that you provide. In such cases, you should strongly consider Azure data lake instead of FTP. For example, one cloud provider I integrated with used Ruby to call the Azure API to post data extracts to the client’s data lake storage that we set up.


Most cloud integration scenarios will fall in this bucket so that the vendor ensures “secure” and “controlled” access to data. The reality is that many of these REST APIs are horrible in both implementation and throughput. For example, the REST APIs of another ERP vendor couldn’t handle a batch export of 500,000 rows (a dataset that can fit into an Excel spreadsheet and be emailed around mind you). Their server would time out because of the “massive” data, and the client was asked to use callback APIs to chunk the export which of course wouldn’t either. And complexity only grows from here as some implementations require result paging, error handling, etc. forcing you to write custom code.

Manual export

If the above options are not possible, your last resort might be to use the vendor app and export the data manually. So much about automating the data integration…


When evaluating a cloud vendor, don’t forget to ask them how you can access your data. Extracting data by connecting to its native storage (typically a relational database) is the best option for integrating with cloud data sources, as the data is in its native format, you can fold operations, such as filtering and sorting, you can extract data incrementally, or even build SQL views if the vendor allows it. Unfortunately, the norm nowadays is to force you to call the vendor’s (often horrible) API, so the extraction effort in your ETL is on you and not the vendor.

Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data
Microsoft Partner | Gold Data Analytics


Prologika Newsletter Winter 2021

Happy Holidays! More and more organizations consider data virtualization to abstract the underlying storage and integrate siloed sources. In this letter, I’ll discuss a real-life project that used PolyBase to expose third-party ERP data as SQL tables. Before I get to the subject of this newsletter, I’m excited to announce the seventh edition of my “Applied Microsoft Power BI” book. It should be available on Amazon in the first days of 2022. As far as I know, it’s the only book that is updated annually to keep it up to the date with the fast-changing Power BI. Stay tuned for a future blog with more details about the book.


Business Case

Think of data virtualization is a logical data layer that integrates enterprise data across various on-premises and cloud sources. A large, multinational chemical manufacturer decided to migrate their on-premises ERP system to the cloud. As usually happens, the tradeoff for embracing the cloud is losing access to your data in its native storage. Previously, the client could readily integrate the ERP data stored in a SQL Server database. But the ERP vendor didn’t support this option in their cloud offering. The usual explanation cites security and performance issues, although none of them really hold water. The ERP vendor could have supported a premium tier where data is exposed privately without affecting other customers, and report queries could have been redirected to a secondary replica. This is no different that securing and scaling an Azure SQL Database. Alas, as more and more companies find when embracing the cloud, the integration burden gets heavier and is on them and not on the vendor.

To make things even more difficult, the vendor had a replication mechanism to export the data to AWS S3 data lake. Realizing that most clients would struggle calling their REST APIs, the vendor provided an JDBC driver that abstracted the APIs. Great, except that the client wanted to access the data on Microsoft Azure, but no Microsoft tool supports JDBC drivers because no Microsoft BI tool is written in Java.

Integration Options

One integration option could have been to use a JDBC-capable ETL tool, such as Pentaho. But that would have required implementing integration pipelines to pull the data periodically and stage it on Azure. This presented two issues. First, the data integration effort became more difficult as someone had to own and troubleshoot ETL failures. Second, Business wanted as much real-time access to data as possible. In the past, the business users had implemented self-service Power BI models that they would refresh as needed to cache the data from the on-premises database. However, since the ERP vendor required at least 20 minutes for data changes to be applied to the S3 data lake and ETL needed additional time (even with incremental extraction), the data latency became an issue.

The second option was to somehow virtualize the data. Had the vendor supported exporting the data as files on Azure, Synapse Serverless could have been used to expose the data as virtual tables that can be queried with SQL and loaded in Power BI Desktop. But Serverless doesn’t support AWS S3 and even if it did, the vendor didn’t allow direct access to the staged data (REST APIs and JDBC driver were the only supported options).

PolyBase to the Rescue

The solution I proposed was to use PolyBase which is included in SQL Server and Azure SQL Managed Instance. Ideally, the client wanted a full PaaS solution but only PolyBase in SQL Server supports ODBC. So, we had to use an IaaS VM just to virtualize the data. This diagram shows the solution architecture.

An Azure VM was provisioned with SQL Server 2019 Standard Edition. The JDBC driver was installed on the VM and configured to access the ERP data. We used a third-party JDBC-to-ODBC bridge driver to map the JDBC data source as an ODBC data source. Then, PolyBase external tables were set up to virtualize the ERP data as SQL Server tables.

The main drawback of this solution was that no matter how small the source table was, PolyBase would add about 30 seconds in internal processing. Specifically, the PolyBase runtime log has a detailed trail that shows that it takes some time for PolyBase to “warm up” before it gets to the query, and then it needs even more time to process the results. That’s because, as a distributed system (like Synapse), a head node coordinates the query execution with data nodes even if everything is installed on a single VM. More gotchas specific to the fact that the vendor has decided to use Oracle as their relational database can be found at


Microsoft has made bold strides in data virtualization. I’m really impressed by Synapse Serverless, which I used for other projects, such as for the project described in this case study. I wish Microsoft extends Serverless to support more storage options. If Synapse Serverless is not an option, your next best bet would be PolyBase. Although PolyBase is supported in SQL MI and Synapse, only the SQL Server box SKU supports ODBC data sources, requiring an IaaS layer to virtualize the data.


The solution delivered the following benefits to the client:

  • No ETL effort – Data was left at the original source.
  • Data virtualization – Polybase was used to create external tables that can be queried just like SQL Server regular tables.
  • Reduced data latency – Data changes were available as soon as they are replicated to the data lake.
  • Scalability – PolyBase can be scaled out to other servers if needed.

Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data
Microsoft Partner | Gold Data Analytics


Prologika Newsletter Fall 2021

LabCorp operates one of the largest clinical laboratory networks in the world. It also has an Interactive Response Technology system that healthcare vendors can use to conduct case studies.  Thanks to the cloud data analytics solution implemented by Prologika, LabCorp and its vendors can now analyze data across case studies. Read this newsletter to learn more about the solution architecture and business value.


Business Needs

The data for each study was saved into a separate on-prem SQL database. The total number of databases was more than 1,000. After the initial assessment, Prologika realized that one of the main gaps was that vendors couldn’t report across their studies or gain performance insights from studies conducted by other vendors. Further, as the IRT system evolves over time and to accommodate special requests, there were scheme differences between different versions.

LabCorp underscored the importance of consolidating the data from multiple studies into a single repository. They envisioned a cloud-based PaaS BI solution that would extract data from all the on-prem databases without impacting the system performance and centralize it into an enterprise data warehouse. Vendors would log an external portal that will deliver embedded reports. The first iteration was focused on analyzing audit and log data to gain strategic insights, such as how many users are using the system.


After assessing the current state and objectives, Prologika recommended and implemented the following architecture:

Prologika implemented an Azure Data Factory (ADF) configurable framework to extract data from the on-prem databases hosted on two production SQL Servers in parallel. The framework would stage the data into partitioned parquet files in Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS).

Then Prologika created views in Synapse Serverless to consolidate the file extracts. For example, an Audit table could exist in several on-prem databases on both production servers. While each table would be staged in a separate file (or multiple files if the table supports incremental extraction), a Synapse Serverless would present a consolidated view across all files. We were impressed by the capabilities and performance of Synapse Serverless.

Another ADF process would extract the data from the Synapse Serverless views and load the data into a data warehouse hosted in a Synapse SQL pool. Although we considered other methods, such as using a linked server in a Azure SQL Managed Instance to Synapse Serverless to avoid data staging, we settled on Synapse SQL mainly for its scalability. Finally, a Power BI semantic model was created and Power BI Embedded used to deliver reports.


The solution delivered the following benefits to LabCorp:

  • Data consolidation – Data was extracted with minimum impact to the operational systems and consolidated in ADLS.
  • Data virtualization – Thanks to the Synapse Serverless flexible support of schema differences, virtual views were created.
  • Scalability – Synapse SQL pool can scale almost indefinitely.
  • Secure and fast insights – Each vendor can access only their data.

Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data
Microsoft Partner | Gold Data Analytics


Prologika Newsletter Summer 2021

Business Performance Management (BPM) is a methodology to help the company predict its performance. An integral part of a BPM strategy is creating and monitoring a scorecard with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). In this newsletter, I’ll discuss how the newly released Power BI Goals can help you augmenet your BPM strategy. But before that, I’d like to share my excitement that Microsoft have recently awarded me FastTrack Recognized Solution Architect – Power BI! I’m one of the 33 individuals worldwide who got nominated by the Power Platform product engineering team for consistently exhibiting deep architecture expertise and creating high quality solutions for customers during project engagements.

Introducing Power BI Goals

A vital BI practice for every organization, performance management ensures that important metrics, such as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), meet established goals. The typical artifact to do so is implementing a scorecard: a report that compares the current state with the desired state of these metrics. You might have also heard the term “balanced scorecard” which is an organization-wide scorecard that tracks several subject areas, such as Finance, Customer, and Operations. In the past, organizations would use different tools, such as the now deprecated PerformancePoint (included in SharePoint Server) to implement balanced scorecards. Realizing the importance of scorecards, Power BI introduced Goals that aim to simplify the process of implementing departmental and organizational scorecards. For more information on how Goals works, watch the “Goals in Power BI” presentation from the Microsoft Business Application Summit

What’s to like
As with anything Power BI, Microsoft has democratized scorecards so business users with no reporting experience can quickly assemble them from existing reports. Think of a goal as a line (or KPIs) in the scorecard. Here is scorecard with two goals:

Currently, Power BI supports two goal types:

  • Static – The goal creator manually enters and track the goal properties, such as current value, target value, and status. This could be useful for quick and dirty KPIs that are not backed by a data source, such as launching a new promotion campaign. In the scorecard above, I created the Revenue goal by entering 5M as the current value and 5.5M as the goal.
  • Data-driven – The goal current value and/or target value can be data-driven and bound to metrics from existing report(s). Coming from Analysis Services, I was initially surprised that Power BI doesn’t require implementing KPI measures, but I get it: Microsoft decided to source the metrics from reports so business users can easily apply filters. If the goal owner chooses a metric from a visual that has a Date field, such as a time series chart, Power BI automatically shows a sparkline for the goal progress over time. And, of course, when the report dataset is refreshed, the goal values are updated.

So, no modeling or Power BI Desktop required assuming that someone else, such as a data analyst, has delivered functional reports with the metrics. Even better, the goal current and target values can come from different reports (even a report in a different workspace if you have permissions), e.g. a report with actuals and another report with targets. So, there is plenty of flexibility here. To mimic a balanced scorecard that spans multiple subject areas, the owner can create subgoals. For example, the main goal could be Finance with subgoals Revenue, Margin, etc. Because like dashboards, goals are “pinned” from reports, the end user can navigate to the underlying report to examine the data in more detail. Users can also add notes to explain the goal behavior to the teammates.

A scorecard is a first-class Power BI citizen, and as such, it can be secured, endorsed, secured with sensitivity labels, annotated, and shared, such as sharing the scorecard to a Microsoft Teams channel. The scorecard data is saved in a Power BI dataset that users can connect to build custom reports. Moreover, Power BI automatically adds daily snapshots to the dataset allowing users to build up a history of the goals. For example, if the underlying report is refreshed daily, the updated goal values will be appended to the dataset. Developers can use the Power BI REST APIs to implement programmatic scorecard management solutions.

What’s not to like

Besides navigating to the underlying report, a goal is a one-liner in the scorecard. I can’t define a goal that shows me a metric sliced by dimension members, such as business unit. Further, subgoals are not currently aggregable, such as to sum or average values when rolling up to the main goal. Like limitations with dashboards, there is no way to apply a global filter to the scorecard, e.g. to filter all goals for the prior month.

Besides current and target values, no other goal properties can be data driven. For example, unlike Analysis Services KPIs, the goal status can’t be currently bound to a DAX measure. Changing the status requires proactive manual “check ins” although Microsoft mentions a forthcoming feature that will let users define rules to change the status, like how you can define rules for dashboard tile alerts. Speaking of data-driven properties, I don’t understand why you must use a date field to get the progress as opposed to any other field, such as Month, in your Date table.

Finally and unfortunately, Goals require Power BI Premium. If we really want to democratize features, shouldn’t we make them available in Pro?


Goals are a Power BI Premium feature aimed at making it easier to create scorecards and monitoring metrics from existing reports. They promote a “bottom-up” culture, where business users can create departmental scorecards without reliance on IT. Microsoft plans more features by the end of the year to make Goals more appealing, such as integration with Power Automate to trigger actions, rolling up subgoals, changing the goal tracking cycle (DoD, MoM, YoY), custom goal formatting, Power BI Mobile experience optimized for phones, providing a scorecard visual, and cascaded goals (hierarchy of goals).

If you find Power BI Goals somewhat inflexible or you don’t have budget to upgrade to Premium, you don’t have to use the Goals feature to implement scorecards. You can define KPIs and create dashboard-looking reports where you have complete control over the scorecard presentation.

Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data
Microsoft Partner | Gold Data Analytics


Prologika Newsletter Spring 2021

Amidst the COVID pandemic, the Houston Health Department (HHD) had another predicament to tackle. With lab results accumulating rapidly at one million cases per month, the vendor system they used for capturing and analyzing COVID data couldn’t keep up. In this newsletter, you’ll learn how Prologika implemented a BI solution powered by SQL Server and Power BI to solve technology challenges, and deliver fast and reliable insights.

Business Challenges

The vendor SQL Server database had large tables with normalized name-value pairs for each question and answer received from the patient, and for each investigation result. To facilitate reporting, the vendor system had scheduled ETL processes to extract data from the OLTP tables into denormalized tables. However, locking conflicts and large data volumes would crash the system and fail the ETL processes.

As a result, business analysts were not able to get timely data for reporting. HHD and the vendor tried to isolate the reporting loads by replicating the data to a reporting database but the issue with populating the denormalized tables remained


A good solution starts with a solid foundation. After assessing the current state and objectives, Prologika recommended and implemented the following architecture:

The stand-alone SQL database was replaced with an AlwaysOn availability group. Not only did this provide high availability, but it also isolated operational from reporting workloads.

In the client’s own words “we have compared the cluster server to the report server and cluster is vastly superior with regard to performance for regular queries. One simple run was 4x faster on cluster than the current report server. A much more complex run took four minutes on cluster and I stopped the same run on the report server after 87 minutes.”

Previously, data analysts would produce reports using different tools, ranging from SQL, Python, to Power BI reports. With scarce resources, HHD found it difficult to continue that path. Instead, Prologika implemented a semantic model that was hosted in Power BI.


The new architecture and semantic model delivered the following benefits to HHD:

  • A single version of truth – Strategic data and business calculations were centralized on one place.
  • Fast insights – The Power BI reports crunching millions of rows were instantaneous.
  • Isolation – Report loads were isolated from the operational loads because the data was cached in the semantic model.
  • Standardization and centralization – Power BI became the reporting platform for delivering insights across the organization.


Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data
Microsoft Partner | Gold Data Analytics


Prologika Newsletter Winter 2020

I hope you’re enjoying the holidays. In this newsletter, I’ll discuss a very important enhancement to Power BI that lets business users extend semantic models. But before I get to it, a quick announcement. I’m putting the finishing touches of the sixth edition of my “Applied Microsoft Power BI”! It should be available on Amazon in the first days of 2021. I’ve been updating this book thoroughly every year since 2015 to keep it up to the date with this fast-changing technology.

I’ve written extensively on the important role that EDW and organizational semantic models have for delivering the “Discipline at the core and flexibility at the edge” tenant for effective data analytics. Analysis Services Tabular is available in three SKUs: Power BI, Azure Analysis Services, and SSAS, and it’s the workhorse of Power BI Service. When you publish a Power BI desktop file, it becomes a database hosted in some Analysis Services Tabular server managed by Microsoft.

How live connections work

As the diagram below shows, Power BI uses a special live connectivity option when you connect live to Analysis Services in all its flavors (Multidimensional, Tabular, and Power BI published datasets) and SAP (SAP Hana and SAP Data Warehouse). In this case, the xVelocity engine isn’t used at all and the model is absent. Instead, Power BI connects directly to the data source and sends native queries. For example, Power BI generates DAX queries when connected to Analysis Services .

There is no Power Query in between Power BI Desktop and the data source, and data transformations and relationships are not available. In other words, Power BI becomes a presentation layer that is connected directly to the source, and the Fields pane shows the metadata from the model. This is conceptually very similar to connecting Excel to Analysis Services.

Unfortunately, once you connected Power BI Desktop to a multidimensional data source, that remote model was the only data source available for you.

Understanding the change

Power BI Desktop (December 2020 release) removes this long-standing limitation for live connections to Tabular. In the special case of connecting to a dataset published to Power BI Service and Azure Analysis Services (on-prem SSAS is not supported), you can switch from live connectivity to DirectQuery and add external data to build a composite model. This feature is very important because it allows business users to extend semantic models that could be sanctioned by someone else in the organization!

If the first connection you make is to the remote model then the connection will use Live Connect. The Power BI Desktop file will not store any metadata or data, expect for the connection string. The moment you use “Get Data” to connect to another source and accept the prompt, Power BI Desktop replaces permanently the live connection with a local DirectQuery layer and imports the metadata of the remote model. Even if you remove all external tables, you won’t be able to “undo” the change and switch back the file to Live Connect. In the diagram below, FactResellerSales, DimDate, and Employees tables are hosted in the remote model while FactSalesQuota is an external table that is imported (could be in DirectQuery mode).

What happens behind the scenes

In a nutshell, DirectQuery to Analysis Services Tabular is like other DirectQuery sources where DAX queries generated by Power BI are translated to native queries. However, in this case Power BI either sends the DAX queries directly to the remote model when possible or breaks them down into lower-level DAX queries. In the latter case, the DAX queries are executed on the remote model and then the results are combined in Power BI to return the result for the original DAX query. So, depending on the size of the tables involved in the join, this intermediate layer may negatively impact performance of visuals that mix fields from different data sources.

Applying your knowledge about composite models, you might attempt to configure the dimensions in dual storage, but you’ll find that this is not supported. Behind the scenes, Power BI handles the join automatically, so you do not need to set the storage mode to Dual. It’s interpreted as Dual internally. You can make metadata changes on top of the remote model. For example, you can format fields, create custom groups, implement your own measures, and even calculated columns (calculated columns are now evaluated at runtime and not materialized). The changes you make never affect the remote model. They are saved locally in the DirectQuery model.

Currently, row-level security (RLS) doesn’t propagate from the remote model to the other tables. For example, the remote model might allow salespersons to see only their sales data by applying RLS to the Employees table. However, the user will be allowed to see all the data in the FactSalesQuota table because it’s external to the remote model and RLS doesn’t affect it.

Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data
Microsoft Partner | Gold Data Analytics


Prologika Newsletter Fall 2020

Cloud deployments are the norm nowadays for new software projects, including BI. And Azure Synapse Analytics shows a great potential for modern cloud-based data analytics platform. Here are some high-level pros and cons to keep in mind for implementing Azure Synapse-centered solutions that I harvested from my real-life projects and workshops.


What’s to Like

There is plenty to like in Azure Synapse which is the evaluation of Azure SQL DW. If you’re tasked to implement a cloud-based data warehouse, you might be evaluating three Azure SQL Server-based PaaS offerings: Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and Azure Synapse. However, Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL MI are optimized for OLTP workloads. For example, they have full logging enabled and replicate each transaction across replicas. Full logging is usually a no-no for decent size DW workloads because of the massive ETL changes involved.

In addition, to achieve good performance, you’ll find yourself moving up the performance tiers and toward the price point of the lower Azure Synapse SKUs. Further, unlike Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse can be paused, such as when reports hit a semantic layer instead of DW, and this may offer additional cost cutting options.

To get started with Synapse, you need to create a workspace. A workspace can host two analytics runtimes, SQL and Spark. These runtimes are hosted in pools. For example, you might have one pool Pool for your enterprise data warehouse, and other SQL pool for a departmental data mart, all provisioned within the same workspace.

A SQL Pool (previously known as Azure SQL DW) hosts your SQL relational database. As an MPP system, it can scale to petabytes of data with proper sizing and good design. The obvious benefit is that for the most part (see the Ugly section discussing exclusions) you can carry your SQL Server skills to Azure Synapse.

As a general rule of thumb, Azure Synapse should be at the forefront of your modern cloud DW with data loads starting with 500 GB.

I like the integration with Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS). Previously, you had to set up external tables to access files in ADLS via PolyBase. This is might redundant now thanks to the serverless (on-demand) endpoint which also replaces the Gen1 U-SQL with T-SQL. All you have to do is link your ADLS storage accounts and use the T-SQL OPENROWSET construct to query your ADLS files and exposed them as SQL datasets. Not only does this opens new opportunities for ad hoc reporting directly on top of the data lake, but it also can help you save tons of ETL effort to avoid staging the ADLS data while loading your DW.

As the diagram shows, you can also provision an Azure Spark runtime under a Synapse workspace. This opens the possibility for using Azure Spark/Databricks for data transformation and data science. For example, a data scientist can create notebooks in Synapse Studio that use a programming language of their choice (SQL, Python, .NET, Java, Scala, and R are currently supported).

What Needs Improvement

You have two coding options to implement artifacts for Azure Synapse, such as ETL and reports:

  1. You can use the respective development environment, such as Azure Data Factory Studio for ADF development and Power BI Desktop for Power BI report development.
  2. You can use Synapse Studio which attempts to centralize coding in one place.

Besides the ADLS integration and notebooks, I find no advantages in the Synapse Studio “unified experience”, which is currently in preview. In fact, I found it confusing and limiting. The idea here is to offer an online development environment for coding and accessing in one place all artifacts surrounding your DW project. Currently, these are limited to T-SQL scripts, notebooks, Azure Data Factory pipelines, and Power BI datasets and reports. However, I see no good reason to abandon the ADF Studio and do ETL coding in Synapse Studio. In fact, I can only see reasons against doing so. For example, Synapse Studio lags in ADF features, such as source code integration and wrangling workflows. For some obscure reason, Synapse Studio separates data flows from ADF pipelines in its own Data Flows section in the Development Hub. This is like putting the SSIS data flow outside the package. Not to mention that inline data flows should be deemphasized since ELT (not ETL) is the preferred pattern for loading Azure Synapse. To make things worse, once you decide to embrace Synapse Studio for developing ADF artifacts, you can use only Synapse Studio because the ADF pipelines are not available outside Synapse.

On the Power BI side of things, you can create a Power BI dataset in Synapse Studio. All this saves is the effort to go through two Get Data steps in Power BI Desktop to connect to your Azure Synapse endpoint. You can also create Power BI reports using Power BI Embedded in Azure Synapse. Why would I do this outside Power BI Desktop is beyond me. Perhaps, I’m missing the big picture and more features might be coming as Synapse evolves. Speaking of evolution, as of this time, only SQL pools are generally available. Everything else is in preview.

What’s Not to Like

Developers moving from on-prem BI implementations to Azure Synapse, would naturally expect all SQL Server features to be supported, just like moving from on-prem SSAS to Azure AS. However, they will quickly find that Azure Synapse is “one of a kind” SQL Server. The nice user interface in SSMS for carrying out admin tasks, such as creating logins and assigning logins to roles, doesn’t work with Azure Synapse (all changes require T-SQL). SQL Profiler doesn’t work (tip: use the Profiler extension in Azure Data Studio for tracing queries in real time).

Because Azure Synapse uses Azure SQL Database, it’s limited to one physical database, so you must rely on using schemas to separate your staging and DW tables. There are also T-SQL limitations, such as my favorite MERGE for ELT-based UPSERTs is not yet supported (currently in preview for hash and round-robin distributed tables but not for replicated tables, such as dimension tables). So, don’t assume that you can seamlessly migrate your on-prem DW databases to Synapse. Also, don’t assume that your SQL Server knowledge will suffice. Prepare to seriously study Azure Synapse!

Teo Lachev
Prologika, LLC | Making Sense of Data
Microsoft Partner | Gold Data Analytics


Prologika Newsletter Summer 2020

More and more organizations are switching to Microsoft Teams mostly for online meetings. However, Microsoft Teams can deliver much more than that and it will be unjust to compare it with other popular meetings apps. In this newsletter you’ll learn how Prologika helped a public school district gain important insights from Microsoft Teams. Learn more and try an interactive Power BI report in the related case study.

Teams for Education

What Microsoft has done with Teams is amazing! Now that I got to study and program Microsoft Teams, I have found it a powerful and extensible platform. For example, Microsoft has provided add-ons for common verticals, such as Teams for Education. Microsoft Teams can be further enriched with apps and can be used to centralize all these Excel spreadsheets that are floating around. And the best of it: most of the Microsoft Teams data is exposed via a single data source: Microsoft Graph API, with the caveat that it is not that easy to get it out.

During the COVID-19 crisis, Fulton County Schools (FCS) transitioned from traditional classroom content delivery to online digital teaching and learning. FCS adopted Microsoft Teams for Education as an online platform to foster collaboration between teachers and students. However, FCS struggled for a long time trying to obtain the necessary data from Microsoft Teams to analyze how effectively teachers and students utilize Microsoft Teams in these challenging times. The Microsoft-provided Office 365 Usage Analytics for Power BI didn’t provide the depth of information FCS needed, such as to analyze counts of assignments that teachers give to students and submissions that students prepare for an assignment. FCS also wanted to understand about how often teachers and students meet and for how long.


Prologika developed a custom app to extract the required data by calling the Microsoft Graph APIs. The app supported a configurable degree of parallelism to process data in parallel. This reduced the duration for the full load to less than 7 hours. In addition, incremental daily ETL decreased the extraction time even further. The data was saved in a relational database consisting of several entities, such as Schools, Classes, Assignments, Submissions, and Events. Data availability led to data analytics. Power BI reports were implemented to deliver important insights, such as the report below.

Our BI solutions help clients implement a digital feedback loop and act upon the data. The process starts with acquiring the necessary data and designing a comprehensive data model that can answer important business questions. Then, the client applies the insights to improve their processes. This leads to a powerful feedback mechanism where outputs are routed back as inputs to business.