• Know Thyself: Power BI Source Control

    February 8, 2024 / No Comments »

    Last year my wife and I did a tour of Greece, and we had a blast. Greece, of course, is the place to go if you are interested in ancient history and the origin of democracy. One of the places we visited was Delphi. The ancient Greeks believed it to be the center of the universe. Now not much was left of it except lots of ruins and imagination. But back then it was magnificent. People from all over the world would come to consult with the Oracle of Delphi. She delivered her prophecies from the temple of Apollo, which had three inscriptions, with one of them being "Know thyself". The practical benefit for the oracle was that if you believed her cryptic prophecy wasn't fulfilled then your interpretation was wrong. Therefore, the problem was in you because you didn't know yourself. How does this translate into BI? I see...

  • Atlanta Microsoft BI Group Meeting on February 5th (Power BI – Time to Git CI/CD)

    January 29, 2024 / No Comments »

    Atlanta BI fans, please join us for the next meeting on Monday, February 5th at 6:30 PM ET. Note that this will be an online meeting via MS Teams and non-Atlanta BI fans are also welcome. Kristyna Hughes (Senior Consultant with 3Cloud) will show us how to implement source control for Power BI reports. Your humble correspondent will help you catch up on Microsoft BI latest. For more details and sign up, visit our group page. Presentation: Power BI - Time to Git CI/CD Delivery: Online Date: February 5 Time: 18:30 – 20:30 ET Level: Intermediate Food: NA   Agenda: 18:15-18:30 Registration and networking 18:30-19:00 Organizer and sponsor time (events, Microsoft BI latest, sponsor marketing) 19:00-20:15 Main presentation 20:15-20:30 Q&A Overview: As report developers, requirements for reports are constantly evolving which leads the reports themselves to change. However, inevitably, there will be one party who uses that report and was...

  • SSRS Going on 20

    January 24, 2024 / No Comments »

    Last year around this time, I went to Antarctica on an expedition ship. Although I got my fair share of icebergs, whales, and penguins, I found it interesting to reproduce some of the experience of the first explorers. On our way back, we got it pretty rough crossing the Drake passage. 80% of the passengers succumbed to sea sickness. There was a huge swell during the night. The next day the captain told us that we faced some 10-meter waves. It felt like a bad roller coaster ride. Yet, the explorers did it. On wooden ships with no stabilizers and communication. Not knowing where they were going and with a high probability that they won’t survive! What does this have to do BI? The remote connection is that 20 years ago a small group from Microsoft was set up to create a new reporting tool that was code-named “Rosetta” and...

  • Atlanta Microsoft BI Group Meeting on January 9th (Getting Started with Power BI Paginated Reports)

    January 2, 2024 / No Comments »

    Atlanta BI fans, please join us for the next meeting on Monday, January 8th, at 6:30 PM ET. Eric Flamm will review paginated (SSRS) reports in Power BI. Your humble correspondent will help you catch up on Microsoft BI latest. For more details and sign up, visit our group page. Presentation: Getting Started with Power BI Paginated Reports Delivery: In-person Date: January 9 Time: 18:30 – 20:30 ET Level: Beginner Food: TBD   Agenda: 18:15-18:30 Registration and networking 18:30-19:00 Organizer and sponsor time (events, Power BI latest, sponsor marketing) 19:00-20:15 Main presentation 20:15-20:30 Q&A   Venue Improving Office 11675 Rainwater Dr Suite #100 Alpharetta, GA 30009   Overview: Power BI Paginated Reports are the successor to SQL Server Reporting Services reports (although SSRS is still part of the SQL Server BI Stack). Using the same RDL (report definition language) as SSRS, Power BI Paginated Reports enable report developers to create...

  • Notes on Fabric F2 Performance: Report Load

    December 25, 2023 / No Comments »

    What a better way to spend a lazy holiday afternoon than to do more Fabric performance testing? In my previous post, I shared my results from a single-threaded ETL load test to gauge the F2 ingest performance and F2 did pretty well (or at least outperformed Azure SQL DB). Will F2 hold as parallelism increases? Throughput testing is especially important for report loads because parallel tasks can run within a report, such as visuals executing DAX queries in parallel, and across reports, such as when concurrent report requests overlap. I used the artifacts are included in the "Microsoft Dashboard in a Day" for this test and load tested only the first report page. The Sales fact table in the semantic model has over seven million rows so it represents a good size dataset. Naturally, the more involved the report is and the more data the semantic model has, the more...

  • Notes on Fabric F2 Performance: Warehouse ETL

    December 23, 2023 / No Comments »

    As inspired by Amir Netz's encouragement to partners to test the Fabric F2 capacity performance, I got on a quest to test what it would do to ETL loads for Fabric Warehouse. I must admit that I was skeptical that a quarter of a core would take a warehouse off the ground, but as usual, life proved me wrong and "wrong" is a big understatement of what happened. After provisioning a Fabric F2 capacity and a warehouse, I settled on the Retail Data Model for World Wide Importers sample star schema dataset consisting of five dimension tables and one fact table. In terms of performance, I was mostly interested in how long it would take for the ADF copy activity to insert all the data (50 million rows) in the fact table. Granted, it's a limited test but enough to rule out the technology for real-life projects. Then, I compared...

  • A Case for Microsoft Fabric: Dynamics 365 Analytics

    December 7, 2023 / No Comments »

    I might have identified at last a good case for Microsoft Fabric, but I'll be in a better position to confirm after a POC with larger datasets. Dynamics Online, aka Dynamics 365, epitomizes the customer's struggle to export their data hosted in SaaS cloud offerings for analytics or other purposes. Since unfortunately Microsoft doesn't provide direct access to the Dynamics native storage (Azure SQL Database), which often could be the simplest and fastest solution, Dynamics has "compensated" throughout the years by introducing and sunsetting various options: Option Pros Cons OData API Original interface Slow, no query folding, currently deprecated Data Export Service Export to Azure SQL Database Deprecated TDS endpoint Real-time direct access to Dynamics Azure SQL Database Not designed for massive extracts; slow Dataverse API Currently recommended by Microsoft As far as I can tell, no REST operations (see below); questionable performance Dataverse connector Same as Dataverse API Same...

  • Atlanta Microsoft BI Group Meeting on December 4th (Financial Modelling in Microsoft Fabric)

    November 28, 2023 / No Comments »

    Atlanta BI fans, please join us for the next meeting on Monday, December 4th, at 6:30 PM ET. William Rodriguez will review the key Fabric components whilst walking through a full Financial deployment: data engineering with a tiered medallion architecture, data science with forecasting and other advanced analytics, and data analysis with Power BI. Your humble correspondent will help you catch up on Microsoft BI latest. For more details and sign up, visit our group page. PLEASE NOTE A CHANGE TO OUR MEETING POLICY. WE HAVE DISCONTINUED ONLINE MEETINGS VIA TEAMS. THIS GROUP MEETS ONLY IN PERSON. WE WON’T RECORD MEETINGS ANYMORE. THEREFORE, AS DURING THE PRE-PANDEMIC TIMES, PLEASE RSVP AND ATTEND IN PERSON IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS MEETING. Presentation: Financial Modelling in Microsoft Fabric Delivery: In-person Date: December 4 Time: 18:30 – 20:30 ET Level: Intermediate Food: TBD   Agenda: 18:15-18:30 Registration and networking 18:30-19:00 Organizer and...

  • Atlanta Microsoft BI Group Meeting on November 6th (Exploring Bravo for Power BI)

    October 31, 2023 / No Comments »

    Atlanta BI fans, please join us for the next meeting on Monday, November 6th, at 6:30 PM ET. Macro Russo will introduce us to the community tool Bravo for Power BI. Your humble correspondent will help you catch up on Microsoft BI latest. I'll sponsor the event. For more details and sign up, visit our group page. PLEASE NOTE A CHANGE TO OUR MEETING POLICY. WE HAVE DISCONTINUED ONLINE MEETINGS VIA TEAMS. THIS GROUP MEETS ONLY IN PERSON. WE WON’T RECORD MEETINGS ANYMORE. THEREFORE, AS DURING THE PRE-PANDEMIC TIMES, PLEASE RSVP AND ATTEND IN PERSON IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS MEETING. Presentation: Exploring Bravo for Power BI Delivery: In-person Date: November 6 Time: 18:30 – 20:30 ET Level: Beginner Food: Pizza and drinks will be provided Agenda: 18:15-18:30 Registration and networking 18:30-19:00 Organizer and sponsor time (events, Power BI latest, sponsor marketing) 19:00-20:15 Main presentation 20:15-20:30 Q&A Venue Improving...

  • ADF Cross Environment Schema Compare Tool

    October 24, 2023 / No Comments »

    Almost every BI project requires at least two environments, such as DEV and PROD. Unless I've missed something, one Azure Data Factory caveat irrespective of the code promotion path (manual or automated with Azure DevOps or Git CI/CD) is that it uses ARM template deployment where the template contains all the artifacts. The equivalent for database schema deployment would be to script the entire database schema which makes me nervous. Not to mention that ARM templates have their own gotchas, such as the one I discussed here when shared self-hosted integration runtimes are used. So, I got on a quest to find an ADF schema comparison tool for a quick and dirty way to identify ADF code discrepancies between two environments and promote changes manually. Ideally, the tool would be something like SQL Server Database projects in Visual Studio. However, I wasn't able to find such a schema comparison tool...


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